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Spaniſh Lies.

knowne: And having giuen you a relation of all that happened hitherto: Now I let you underſtand, that I left this Port the ſecond of March, and toke our courſe towards the Hauana, where I thought to have founde the Engliſh fleet, & also uſed all the diligence poſsible: upon Munday the eleauenth of the ſaid Months about two of the clocke in the afternoone, at the iſſue of the Iſle of Pinas in the entrance of Guaniguanico, I met with the Engliſh fleete, being fourteen everie good Shippes, I drew towards them although they had the winde of us, & our Admirall who bore up towardes the wind, with other two Shippes began to draw neere them, and although we ſet thus uppon them, three times

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