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Spaniſh Lies.

to the inſtructions from his Majeſtie: It little auailed us to bee ſeene, with leſſe number of Shippes, neither yet all the diligence we could vſe, could cauſe them to ſtaye or come neere us, nor to ſhoote off one Hargabuſh or peece of Artillerie for they fled away as faſt as they could, and their Shippes were wel diminiſhed, and that the beſt parte of them, thereſt they repaired in the port Bella, whereas they were about fourtie daies before, and ſo by that meanes they were all well repaired, and our Shippes verie foule, becauſe the time would not permit vs to trimme them: I have failed two Monethes and a halfe in the Shippe called the Capitana, ſithence we departed from Carthagena, we have not repaired their Pumps

C 3