A Libell of
with all their Shippes, yet would they not ſet againe uppon us, and thoſe of our men which were fartheſt off cryed to them amaine, being both within ſhot of Artilleriey Muskats and Caliuers, whereby they received evident hurt by vs: They ſhot off now & then at vs, and eſpecially their Admirall, and ſeeing our reſolution how ſharpe we were bent towards them, they with all expedition and ſpeede poſsible prepared to flie awaie, hoyſing Sayles and leaving their Oares for haſt in the Sea: but I followed them, with nine Shippes all the night following, and with fower more the next daye, till I made them double Saint Antonies point, and ſo I tooke the courſe towards La Canet de Bahamet, accordingto