death, doth manifeſtly prooue that the Generall doth make no conſcience to lye. Don Bernal dino doth lye impudently.And as concerning the loſſe of any Barkes or men in our Nauie, by the valour of the Spaniard before Sir Fraunces Drake his death, wee had none (one ſmall Pineſſe excepted) which we aſſuredly know was The ſucceſſe of the kings fiue Frigots.taken by chaunce falling ſingle into a fleete of fiue Frigots (of which was Generall, Don Pedro Telio,) neere vnto the Iſland of Dominico, and not by the valour of Don Bernaldino: the which fiue Frigots of the Kings afterwards had but ill ſucceſſe , for one of them we burnt in the harbour of S. Iohn Portrico, and one other was ſunck in the ſame harbour, and the other three were burnt amongſt many other Shippes at the taking of Cales: This I thinke in wiſe mens iudgements, will ſeeme a ſeely The cerain cauſe herof Sir Frances Drake dyed.cauſe to mooue a man ſorrowe to death. For true it is, Sir Fraunces Drake dyed if the Flixe which hee had growne vppon him eight daies before his death, and yeelded vp his ſpirite like a Chriſtian to