A Libell of
his creatour quietly in his Cabbin. And when the Generall ſhall ſuruey his loſſes, he ſhall finde it more then the loſſe of the Engliſh, and the moſt of his deſtroyed by the Bullet: But the death of Sir Fraunces Drake was of ſo great comfort vnto the Spaniard, that it was thought to be a ſufficient amendes, although their whole fleete had beene vtterly loſt.
Thirdly, The generall doth ſay of his owne credite, and not by intelligence from any Indian or other, that on the eleauenth of March laſt hee met the Engliſh fleete at the Iſle of Pinas, being fourteene good Shippes, who although theyhad