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Spaniſh Lies.

had the winde of him, yet hee ſet vppon them three times with all their Shippes, but the Engliſh fleete flled, and refuſed to fight ſhooting now and then a ſhot, but eſpecially the Admirall.

THis third lye of the Generall Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Avellaneda, (whoſe name for the prolixitie thereof maye be drawne ſomwhat neere the length of a Cable) hath no colour of protection, but it hath a iuſt A payre of Spaniſh Lyers. proportion in meaſure to the lyes of olde Barnardino de Mendozza his Countrieman, concerning the ouerthrow of her Maieſties Nauie in the yeare 1588. for except Don Barnaldino the Generall, did purpoſe to winne the whetſtone from Don Barnardino de Mendozza the olde Spaniſh lyer: I cannot coniecture why hee ſhould writeto