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A Libell of

peece of Artillerie, but fled away as fast as they could.

ANd this lie alſo he doth not receiue by intelligence from any other, but himſelfe was an eye-witneſſe in the action, which made him bold to ſend this with the reſt into his Countrie for currant newes: But herein Don Bernaldino was more bolde then wiſe, for the torne and battered ſides of his Gallyons, being compared with her Maieſtes Shippes, and others that ſerued in that The torne ſides of the Spaniſh Shippes doe condemne Don Bernaldino of lying. fight, doe declare, that his Ships receiued at leaſt two bullets for one. Neither can it be concealed but his owne Countriemen (if any do fauour truth) may eaſily ſee the loſſe, and late reparations, done vnto the Kings fleete ſithence they did encounter with the Englifh Nauie, whenſoeuer they that remaine ſhall arriue in Spaine: But the Generall ſeemeth to bee a verye good proficient in his profeſsion, andwax-