waxeth ſomewhat bolde, treading the true ſteppes of old Barnardino de Mendozza, and yet Mendozza was ſomewhat more warie in his lyes, for he had ſometime the colour of intelligence to ſhadow them, but the Generall growing from boldnes to impudencie, maketh no ſcruple to ſay, that the Engliſh Nauie fled as faſt as they could without diſcharging any Hargebuſh or peece of Artillerie, when as the battered ſides of his ſhips Note the valoure of Don Bernaldino.do returne the lye to his face: For in this conflict Don Bernaldino did behaue him-ſelfe ſo valiantly, that he was alwaies fartheſt of in the fight, & had ſo great care of his owne perſon that he ſtoode cleare frõ the danger of Muskat or any ſmal ſhot, & durſt not approach, whereas our generall was the foremoſt, & ſo held his place, The order of the Engliſh Nauie.vntill by order of fight other ſhips were to haue their turnes, according to his former direction, who wiſely & pollitickly had ſo ordered his vangarde, & reregarde,that as the maner of it was altogether ſtrange to the Spaniard, ſo might they haue bene