without all hope of victorie, if their General had beene a man of any iudgement in Sea fights: I know no reaſon why the Engliih Nauie ſhould flye from him, for The Spaniard cannot bragge of his gaine.the Spaniard may put all the gaine in his eye that euer he did winne from the Engliſh: Peraduenture ſome ſiely nouice of our country meeting the general in Spaine, and hearing a repetition of ſo many ſillables in one name , as Don Bernaldino Delgadillo de Auellaneda, might thinke them to be words of Coniuration, & for feare of rayſing a Spirit, might flie from him as from the Deuill, or ſome ſimple Indian flaue hearing the like repetition of his long and tedious name, might fuppoſe it to be an Armie of Spaniards, and for feare runne awaye: But the commaunders and Captaines of the Engliſh Nauie, Spaniſh bragges are of no value with the Engliſh.were men of ſuch reſolution, that no Spaniſh bragges coulde diſmaye them, for they haue often met them with their Pikes in their Spaniſh beardes. Nor the countenaunce of Don Bernaldino quailethem