to wade ouer his Boates alſo: and as hee hath begun ſo he doth conclude, I maruaile that hee did not in writing his diſcourſe remember this olde ſaying; that is, A lyar ought to haue a good memorie: It were much better for him in mine opinion to reuoke the teſtimonie which hee ſaith he had from the Engliſhmen, concerning Sir Fraunces Drake his death at Nombre de Dios, and ſtande to the intelligence receiued from the ſiely Indian ſlaue, as it appeareth in his firſt lye, for without The indian ſlaue, is the beſt ſhadow, to the Generals lyeal doubt, there is no Engliſhman that wil ſay (if he haue his right fences) that he dyed at Nombre de Dios, for they all knowe the contrarie: Neither can the Generall avouch that he receiued intelligence from any Engliſh man, that after the death of Don Bernaldino his rare gift in coyning a new and ſtrange name.Sir Fraunces Drake hey did elect: for Generall Colonell Quebraran, as he doth moſt falſly affirme in the latter end of his vaine and friuolous letter, being that the name was ſtraunge, and vnknowne to any in the Engliſh Nauie. Neither doe I imaginethat