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Spaniſh Lies.
that any of thoſe which the General ſaith he hath taken were ſo forgetfull as not to remember their generals name. But without all doubt this addition of ſo new, and ſtraunge a name to the Engliſh Generall, doth proue that Don Bernaldino is not vnfurniſhed The Generals ſtorehouſe of lyes.of a forge & ſtorehouſe of lyes, from whence as from an euerflowing fountaine, he ſendeth forth lyes of al ſorts ſufficient for his owne ſtore, and greate plentie to furniſh his friends: The General was much beholding to his godfathers who gaue him the name Barnaldino, which we in Engliſh do take to be plaine Barnard, which name hath as it were a kind of priueledge from being ſharply reprehended The ſchoolemen of nodeſtie do vſe this kinde of reprehenſion, when they doe thinke the Autor to erre.when the party is thought to erre: for it is a common ſaying amongſt the Schoolemen that Barnardus non videt omnia, viz. Barnard ſeeth not all thinges, (when he doth diſſent from their opinions) the which fauour wee coulde bee content to yeelde to Bernaldino for the name ſake, if he were not taken with ſo