our army not only in France and Italy, but also in Russia; with that object in view the army was organized. Right after the disappearance of the Eastern front after the treaty of Brest-Litovsk the Allies have decided and agreed to transport our army from Russia to France. That is still our military and political aim. The fact that our army was organized against Austria-Hungary and Germany has a great political and military significance. Austria-Hungary was considerably weakened by it, her population and army demoralized. Of that the voices and official proclamations of the Austro-Hungarian and German governments leave no doubt.
Austrians and Germans have therefore endeavored to prevent our army from coming from Russia to France; to that end they forced the Bolsheviks to break their own agreements and pledges, to that end they are organizing their war prisoners against us and the Allies.
It is therefore in the military and political interest of the Allies and of America that our army gets from Russia to France. The more of our soldiers will get to the western front, the less America will have to send there. Of course, the transportation task is much greater; but the difference is only in transportation to America; American soldiers have to be transported to France also. The political and military value of our army, however, outweighs the expenses and the difficulties of transportation. (Financially our army is much less expensive than the American or British army—the pay of our troops[ 53 ]