Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/250

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29. Ku-hukn-huma-ka : " EYE-POINTING." — Two or more per- sons play. One leads by pointing repeatedly with his finger to his nose, crying " Nose ! Nose ! Nose ! " All the others must then point in the same manner, each with his finger to his eye. The leader changes to his eye, whereupon each of the others must point to his ear. He points to his ear, and they point to the mouth ; to the mouth, and they point to the top of the head ; to the top of the head, and they clap their hands ; the leader then claps his hands and the others point to the breast ; finally he points to his breast and they all run and the game comes to a close.

30. Ku-kula-au : " WOOD-POINTING." — This game is like the preceding. The leader points to the top of a stick or a piece of wood, crying Ma-lu-na / Ma-lu-na ! (" Above ! Above ! ") ; the others must then point to the middle. He then points to the middle, crying I-wac-na ! I-wae-na ! (" Between ! Between ! "), and the others must point to the bottom. He points to the bot- tom, crying Ma-la-lo I Ma-la-lo / (" Below ! Below ! "), whereupon the others must point to the side. The leader points to the side, crying Ao-ao I Ao-ao / (" Side ! Side ! "), when the others point to the top again.

31. O-lo-lo: " RUBBING. " — The feat of rubbing one thigh with the right hand and patting the other with the left hand.

32. Hu-i-la-ma-ka-ni. — The feat of describing opposing circles with the hands and arms.

33. O-le-ha. — An amusement consisting in placing a stick, about two inches long, between the eyelids to prop them open. The name means, primarily, to set or fix the eyes.

Ellis ! says that in Tahiti " the teatea mat a was a singular play among the children, who stretched open their eyelids by fixing a piece of straw, or stiff grass, perpendicularly across the eye, so as to force open the lids in a most frightful manner."

34. Ha-ka mo-a: " COCK-FIGHTING." — Cocks (mo-a ka-ne, mo-a

  • Op. cit., vol. 1, p. 228.

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