Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/251

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��ka-ka-ld) are fought on holidays in the public squares, bet chickens, cocoanuts, etc., being wagered on the conte* battles are to the death. The combs are not trimmed spurs are cut off and the cocks fight with their beaks, fighting cock costs five dollars. The name is from k fight," and mo-a, " a fowl." A drawn game is called t and the assembly at a cockfight, a-ha-mo-a.

Ellis 1 states that cock-fighting (faatito raamoa ; causing fighting among fowls) was the most ancient gair the Tahitians. He remarks:

��" The traditions of the people state that fowls have exis islands as long as the people, that they came with the first or that they were made by Taaroa at the same time that made. The traditions and songs of the islanders connected amusements are as ancient as any in existence among them. not appear to have laid bets on their favorite birds, but to ha and fought them for amusement. The fowls designed forfigt fed with great care; a finely caived fatapua, or stand, was i perch for the birds. This was planted in the house, and the ened to it by a piece of cinet, braided flat, that it might not leg. No other substance would have been secure against t) of his beak. Their food was chiefly poe, or bruised bread-fn up in the hand like paste, and given in small pieces. The taught to open his mouth to receive his food and his water, \ poured from his master's hand. It was also customary tc water over these birds to refresh them. The natives were u addicted to this sport. The inhabitants of one district often their birds against those of another, or those of one divi district against those of another. They do not appear to tertained any predilection for particular color in the fowls, to have esteemed all alike. They never trimmed any of the but were proud to see them with heavy wings, full-feathen and long tails. They also accustomed them to fight withoui spurs or other means of injury. In order that the birds m: fresh as possible, they fought them early in the morning, s day-break, while the air was cool, and before they became lan ; heat. More than two were seldom engaged at once, and t

1 Op. Clt., vol. 1, p. 331.

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