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Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/644

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��Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 306-313. — Griinwe- del (A.) Zur buddhistischen Ikono- graphie. Globus, Brnschwg., 1899, lxxv, 169-177. — Hamy (E.-T.) Note sur diverses gravures de Bonneville represen- tant des negres (1 794-1803). Anthropolo- gic, Par., 1899, x, 42- . — Hansemann ( ) Das Gehirn 1 lermann von H elmholtz'. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1899, iii, 43~45- — Hare (The) in folk medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i. 1115.— Heikel (H. J.) Ett Finnland graffynd fran bronsal- dern. [Mortuary find of bronze age.] Finskt Mus., Helsingfors, 1898, 13-15. — Heymans (G.) Zur Psychologie der Komik. Ztschr f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1899, xx, 164-173. — Hilprecht (H. V.) The new Baby- lonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Bull. Free Mus. Sc. & Art, Univ. of Penn., Phila., 1899, "• No. 1, 36-38. — Hinsdale (G.) A descrip- tion of the skeleton of the American giant, with a note on the relation of acro- megaly and giantism. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1S98, 3. s., xx, 148-159, 4 pi. — Hodge (F. W.) Die Erforschung der verzauberten Mesa (La Mesa Encantada) durch * * * Globus, Brnschwg.. 1899, xxiv, 155-159. — Holmes (W. H.) Pre- liminary revision of the evidence relating to auriferous gravel man in California. Am. Anthrop., N. Y., 1899, n. s., i, 107- 121, 3 pi. — Holy wells, charms, etc., their healing and regenerative agency. Pharm. J., Lond., 1899, 4. s., viii. 299- 301. — Horsford (Cornelia). A tradi- tion of Shelter island, N. Y. J. Am. Folk-Lore. Bost., 1899, xii, 43. — Hough (W.) Korean clan organization. Am. Anthrop., N. Y.. 1899, n s., i, 150-154.

The lamp of the Eskimo. Kep. U.

S. Nat. Mus. 1896, Wash., 1898, 1027- 1057, 24 pi. — Hrdlicka (A ) An anom- alous ulna : supra-capital foramen. Am. Anthrop.. N. Y., 1899, n. s.,i, 248-250. — Hunsberger (J. N.) Our duty to de- generates. Univ. M Mag.. Phila , 1S9S- 9, xi. 382-387. — Hunter (Uosa). Ghosts as guardians of hidden treasure. J. Am. Folk-Lore. Bost. & N. Y., 1899. xii. 64. — Jacobsthal (E.)Schnurbander. Ver- handl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop.. 1898 (332-338. J pi.).— Jacquot (L.) Les M'rahane. Etude sur certaines pote- ries d'un caractere religieux en usage dans la Petite-Kabylie. Anthropologic Par., 1899, x, 47-53— Jones (B. J.) & Yeats (W. B.) Traditions and super- stitions collected at Kilcurry, County

��Louth, Ireland. Folk- Lore, Lond., 1899, x, 1 19-123, 1 pi.— K.(R. T.) Un- ter den der agyptischen Wtlste. Globus, Brnschwg., 1899, lxxv, 180-193. — Kel- lor (Frances A.) Criminal anthropology in its relation to criminal jurisprudence. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago, 1898-9, iv, 515 ; 630. — Kosloff (N. A.) Anwendung der Anthropometric in den russischen Ge- fangnissen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 273-278. — Krauss [F. S.j Ein Vorrechtder Volkskunde. Urquell, Leiden, 1898, n. F., ii, 233-239.— Krauss (W. C.) The head of degenerates, with types of cranial, facial, and cerebral malformations. Cleve- land J. M., 1899, iv, 157-167. — Kroe- ber (A. L.) Animal tales of the Eskimo. J. Am. Folk- Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1899, xii, 17-23. — Laloy (L.) Der Tertiar- mensch. mit besonderer Berllcksichti- gung der neueren Funde in Australien. Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Jena, 1899, iv, 65-67. — Lang (A.) Australian gods : a reply. [With rejoinder by E. S. H art- land.] Folk-Lore, Lond., 1899.x, 1-57. — Laschi (K.) I reati bancari in rap- porto all' antropologia criminale. Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9. ii, 369- 373. — Lefevre (A.) La theorie indo- europeenne (conclusion d'un cours de quatre annees) (1891-5). Rev. de l'licole d'anthrop. de Par., 1899, ix, 84-91. — Lemaistre(P.) Absence du sens moral chez les criminels. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xii, 418-425. — Lorn- broso (C.) Insane characters in fiction and the drama. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1899, lv, 53-62. Luccheni e l'antrc-

ologia criminale. Arch, di psichiat.

etc.], Torino, 1899, xx, 1-10.

also trans. : Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1899, lv, 199-204. — Loria (A.) Social anthropology: a review. Am. Anthrop., N. Y., 1899, n. s., i, 283-296. — von Luschan (F.) Brandmalerei im Bis- marck- A rchipel. Verhandl. d. Berl.

Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1898, (397).

Zur geographischen Nomenclatur in der

Slldsee. Ibid., (390-397). Trepanirte

Schadel aus Neu-Britannien. Ibid., (398- 401). — Macdonald (A.) Colored chi'- dren ; a psycho- physical study. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 1140-1144. — Markowski (Z.) [On polydactyl- ism in the horse.] Przegl. wet. Lwow, 1898, xiii, 20t ; 233 ; 273 ; 309. — Masch- ka (K.) Zur Tatowirungsfrage. Arch, f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1898-9, i, 320-330 — Mason (O. T.) Aboriginal American zodtechny.


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