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Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/645

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��Am. Anthrop.. X. Y„ 1S99, n. s., i, 45- Si, I 1.. 4 pl.-M*th«w» (R. II.) Di- visions of Queensland aborigines. Proc. Am. Phi]. Boe., Phila., 1898, xxxvii,

337-336. Cravures el peinlures sur

tochers par les aborigines d'Australie. Bull soe. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1898, 4. »., iv. 43S-433— Hatth«m (W.J The study of ethics among Ihe lower rates. J. Am. FoLk-1-ore. Bosl. & N. V , 1S99, iii, 1-9. — Kay (II.) On Ihe marriage- rates and birth-rates of the chief countries of Europe. Pub. Health. Lund., 1S98- xi. 400-405, — Meu.niew(S.) Anciei

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�� ��Pierres. Compt. rend. Acad. d. »c„ ar.,i8ofl, cxxviii, 747-74Q— MioB. Die Beslimmung der grflssten SchSdelbreiten. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gcsellsch. f. Anthrop., 1808(339-3431.— Moody (I. D.) Some African folk-lore. Ann. Pub. Hist. Soc. South. Calif., Los Angeles, 1899, iv, pi. 2, 134-136.— Mooney (J.) The Indian congress at Omaha. Am. An- throp., N. V., 1899, n. s., i, 126-149. — Moore (C. H.) Certain aboriginal mounds of the coast of South Carolina. J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila.. 1890, 2. s., xi.

147-166, 1 pi., I map. Certain aim-

rigtiial mounds of the Savannah river.

Ibid., 107. Certain aboriginal mounds

of the Allamaha river. Ibid., 174-184. Recent acquisitions : a copper gor- get ; a water bottle Irom Missouri ; a ban- ner stone of shell. Ibid., 185-1S8. A

cache of pendent ornaments. Ibid., 189- IOI.— Muffttng (II. ) h-colters et etu- diants de Liverpool. Anthropologic. Par., 1899, x, 21-41.— Munaterberg (H.) The physiological basis of menial life. Science, N. \. & Lancaster. Pa., 1899, n.s.,ix,44!-447.— Myerfl.) An Egyptian idea of heaven. Monumental Ret, N. Y., 1S99, i, 77--NUtoUU (D. P.) [On the physical development of students in public schools in the govern- ment of Perm.] Neslnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Peters!).. 1898, No. 11, 2. sect., 919-931— Natt (A.) Britain and folklore. Folk-Lore. I.oml , 1899. x, 71-86.— In(L.| L'astronomie et la meteorologie chei !es Noirs du Con- go. Uev. scient., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 465 — Oehaner (A. J.) Surgical treat- ment of habitual criminals. J. Am. M. As- .Chicago, 1809, xxxii, 867.— Oefelc. Der angebliche I'estgott in Mesopota- mien. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, Ixviii, iCs.—OloriM ((■'.) El labo- raiorio de antropologia de la Farultad de Medicina de Madrid. Rev. lbero-Am.

��de ci. med., Madrid, 1899, i, 7 Ottolnnghl (S.) II tatuaygio m renni corrigendi. Arch, di p [etc.], Torino, 1899, xx, 157-1 Also: Riv. di med. leg.. Milano 9. "■ 347-350— Pmikoneo I Sommerreisen im Russischen Ki Bilderausder Vorzeit und der Jetit Karelischen Volksstammes. [.

text with German resume.] Finsk minnesfflren. Tidskr., Helsingfors 1-247. 1 m«p.— P«.pHl»«Ut(G.) genese et phylogenese du crane h Kev. de VEcole d'anthrop. de Par ix. 105-133.— Peavl(S. E.) Ein nach Banpara. Nach der Original schrifi ubersetzt und mit einer Ein versehen von Kurt Klcmm. Zt! Ethnol,, Berl., 1S98. hi. 381- Porrod (G.) Un niiovo caralt gressivo del la fossetta glenoid ea fn nei criminal!. Riv. di med. leg., ' 1898-9. it, 376-— Peirone-Ci (R.i Infamicidio ed esposizio negli. ■ ' ■■'■

��male inferiori e 1 ns. di 1

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��Xapoli. 1899, ii, 1-15 — PUllipail A new group of stone Implements fi

southern shores of Lake Michigan. Smithson. Inst. 1B97, Wash.. 189: 600, to pi.— Ptnaero (N.) La nuenza occulta. Riv. di med Milano. 1898-9, ii. 337-34°. — P*«  (M.) Station de Mornfi ou des E rons (Jura). Bull. Soc. d'amhr Par., 1698, 4. s., ix. 418-433.— P (J. W.J Esthelology. or the artt activities designed to give pleasure. Anthrop,, N. Y., 1899, n. s. , i, 1— _j Technology, or the science of indi Ibid., 319-349. — Prudhomme [: daruiniime et les causes finales. scient.. Par., 1899, 4. s., xi, 449- R. (E.I Un nouveau craniometre. internal, de therap. et Pharmacol. 1899, vii, 90-91.— Redmond (I\ folklore : The little red hen : * n tale. Fotk-Lore, I.ond., 1899, x, ti — ReitiRcli (S.) I ^ prohibition < ceste et ses origines. Anthrop Par., 1S99, i. 50-7O-— RIpl«y (1 The origin of European culture Sc. Month.. N. V., 1899, ] v , 16 Roncoronl ( L.- > I-'emotiviti in ner. Arch, di psichiat. fete.]. 1 1899, xx, 92-134.— Rosier (E. chaologi-ch-ethnologi seller Bench I seine itir die Kaiser! Russ. Art gische Commission unternommene tersuchongen im Couv. Elisabethpc ruar und April 1897. Verhandl, d

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