Crawley. Handy book of games for gentlemen.
L.. Ward & Locke. 1876. New ed. 8vo. 5s. Cross, D. W. Fifty vears with gun & rod. Cleve- land, O., 1S80. SVo. $1.50, Daniel, W. B. Rural sports with supplement.
L., 1812-13. 4 V. 8vo. Davenport, W. B. Sport : fox hunting, salmon
fishing, covert shooting. & deer stalking.
N. Y., Scribncr & Welford. 1885. Svo. $7.5^. Delarue, A. Album du chasseur. P., Rothschild,
1865. folio, f. 80. Dick, W. B. Modern pocket Hoyle: games of
skill & chance & f^eld games. N. V., Dick &
Fitzgerald. $1.25. Dykes, T. All 'round sport with fish, fur, & feather.
L., Fores, 1887. 8vo. los. 6d. Elliott, A. Sports & amusements for boys. L.,
Nelson, 1S68. lamo. 4s. Forrest, Geo. Ever>' boy's book of sports & amuse- ments. L., Routledge, 1855. ismo. 8s. 6d. Games & sports for boys. N. Y., Routledge, 1S82.
i6mo. new ed. $0.60. Gasper, H. Complete sportsman. N. Y., Forest,
1893. Gillmore, P. Accessible field sports. L., i86g.
Svo. Gould, A. C. Sport: shooting & fishing. In 5
pts. Bo., Whidden, Bradtee, 1889-90. 410.
ea., subs,, $10. Graham, P. A. Country pastimes for boys, with
252 il. L., Loiigmans, 1895. 448 pp. Svo.
3S. 6d. Grevjlle, Lady V. W. Gentlewoman's book of
sports. Ph., Lippincott, 1893. 8vo. $2.25. Greville, Lady V. W. Ladies m the field : sketches
of sport. N. Y., Applcton, 1894. lamo. $2. Halleck. C. Sportsman's gazetteer& general guide.
N. Y., Forest, 1877. il. lamo. $3.
Same, 4th ed. $3.
Same. rev., enl., & brought down to date.
N. Y., Judd. 1883. S3. Jones. L. E. Outdoor sports for boys & girls.
N. Y., Routledge, 1890. il. 8yo. $0.75. Juvenile sports & occupations. Cin. ,W, P. James.
$0.10. McLellan. J. Poems of the rod & gun. N. Y.,
Henry Thorpe, 18S6. il. i2mo. $2. Martin, W. Book of sports for boys & girls.
L., James Blackwood, 1872. i6mo. 2s. 6d. Mattison, Hiram, Popular amusements. N, Y.,
Meth, Bk. Cone, 1867. i2mo. $0.25. New book of sports. Reprint from Saturday
Rev. L., Richard Bentley & Son, 18S5. 376
pp. Outdoors: book of healthful pleasures. Bo.,
Pope, 1893. il.sq. i6mo. $0.10. Outdoor sports. N. Y., Street, 1890. i6mo. $0.10. Randall. John. Old sports & sportsmen. L.,
Virtue, 1875. Svo. 5s. Reynardson, C. T. S. B. Sports & anecdotes.
N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1887. $4.50. Russell, Fox. Sporting society. N. Y,, Amster- dam Book Co., 1897. 2 V. i2mo. $3.50. Sargent, D, A.. & others. Athletic sports. N. Y.,
C. Scribner'sSons, 1S97. i3-i-3i8pp. il. Svo.
$1.50. Seneca (pseud.). Hints St points for sportsmen.
N. Y., Forest & Stream Pub. Co.. 1S89. i6mo.
$1.50. Slaughter, Frances E. Sportswoman's librarj-. L.,
Constable. 2 v. Svo, il. 30s. Somerset, H. C. F.. and Watson. A. E. T., eds.
Badminton library of sports & pastimes. L.,
1886-96. II v. i2mo. ( Bickerdyke. Sea fishing ; Broadfoot, Billiards; Cox & Lascettes,
Coursing & falconry ; Dent, Mountaineering;
Grove i,Mrs, Lilly), Dancing; Heathcoie,
Tennis; Hillier, Cycling; Hutchinson, Golf;
Longman & Walrond. Archery, Poetry of sport,
Racing & steeplechasing, Riding & polo ; Sin-
clair & Hcnr>-, Swimming; Wolley, Big game shooting, 2 v. ; Yachting, 2 v.)
Sport & its pleasures. L., W. Mitchell, 1S68. i2mo. IS.
Sporting Majjazinc. L., 1868-70. 6 v. Svo.
Sporting sketches at home and abroad. L.,Wame, 1875. lanio. 2S. 6d.
Taplin, N. Sporting dictionary & rural reposi- tory of gen. information appertaining to the sports of the field. L., 1803. 2 v. Svo.
Thompson, Maurice. I'oys' book of sports& out- door life. N. Y., Cent. Co.. 1S86. 352 pp. $2.
ITiompson, Wm. Sports & pastimes. L., 1875.
Track athletics in deliil. N. Y., Harper, 1896. 147 pp.
Tribune book of open -air sports. N. Y.,N. Y. Tri- bune, i836. il. Svo. $2.50.
Walker. D. Manly exerci<:es. loth ed., rev. Bo., Little, Brown & Co., 1886. 11. lamo. $2.
Walsh. J. H., & others. Rural sports (1856) ; re- written, enl. & brought down to 1S82. N. Y., Judd, 1882. $7.50.
Walsh, J. H., Wood J. G., & others. Athletic sports & manly exercises. N. Y.. Routledge. i8mo. il. $1.
Watson, A. E.T. The year's spon. N. Y.,Worih- inglon, 1886. Svo. .$6.
Wedler, Otto. Das Athlctentum unserer Zeit. Turnerische Umschau auf verwandtem Gebiete. Lp., E. Strauch, 1897. 40 pp. Svo. M. 0.50.
Wood, J. G. Athletic sports & recreations for boys. N. Y., Routledge. $0.75.
Wood, Rev. J. G.. Pepper, J. H., & others. Boys' treasury of sports & pastimes. N. Y., Rout- ledge. 8vo. il. $2.50.
Whitney, C. W. A sporting pilgrimage: riding to hounds, golf, rowing, football, rlub & univer- sity athletics. N. Y., Harper, 1895, il. Svo. $3.50.
Sports— National.
American boys' own book of sports & games. N. Y., Dick & Fitzgerald. i2mo. il. $3.
Athletic sports in England, America, and Aus- tralia. Ph., Hubbard, 1890. il. Svo. Subs.,
$3.5C^$5-75- British standard handbooks of sports. V. i & z.
L., Maxwell, 1883-5. 2s. each. Bryden, H. A. Kloof & Karroo: sport, legend, &
nat, his. in Cape Colony. N. Y., Longmans,
Green & Co., 1890. il. Svo. $3.50, Camp, Walter. Book of college sports. N. Y.,
Century Co., 1893. il. 8vo. $1.75. Chadwick. H. Sports & pastimes of Ameriran
boys. N.Y.. Routledge, 1884. il. sq. Svo. $2. Chasse, la.etia peche en Angleterre ct sur Ic conti- nent, tr. dc divers ouvrages Anglais. Brux.,
1S42. Svo. Courses de la Societe de sport de France pour 1S91.
P., 1891. i8mo. Cradock. C. Sporting notes in the far east. L.,
Griffith, 1889. Svo. 6s. Crafty. Paris sporiif: anciens et nouveaux sports.
P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie., 1S96. 4to. f. 10. Egerton, T. (Earl of Wilton). Sports & pursuits
of the English, as bearing upon their national
character, ad ed. L., 1869. Svo. Elliott, W. Carolina sports by land & water. L.,
1867. tamo. Fittis, Rob S. Sports & games of Scotland. L.,
A. Gardner, 1891. 212 pp. Gale, F. Modern English sports. L., Low &
Marston, 1885. Svo. 6s. Gcbhaidt, W. Soil Deutschbnd sich an den
olympischen Spielen beteiligen? B.. K. Sie-
gismund, 1896. 127pp. 8vo. M.0.50. Herbert. H. W. Frank Forester's field sports of
the U.S. & British provinces. E^. 14. N. Y.,
Woodward. Svo. $6.