Hueppe, Ferd. Ueber die Korperiibungen in Schiile u. Volk ii. ihren Werth tiirdie milita- rischen Uebungeii. li., A. Hirschwald, 1895. 38 pp. 8vo. M. I.
International sports. L.. Dean & Son, i88g. 410.
Koch, K. Dns heutige Spielleben Englands. Braunschweig, B. Goeritz, i3g5. 31 pp. 8vo. M. 0.60.
Levison, H. A. Sport in many lands. L., Fred- eiick Warne & Co.. 1877. 8vo. 6s.
Lewis, E. J. American sporisman. Ph.» Lippln- cott. 1SS5. New ed. $2.
Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe. 'L.. Colburn, 1841. 2 v. 8vo.
Maxwell. W. H. Sports &; adventures in the high- lands & the islands of Scotland. L., Rout- ledge, i860. i6mo.
Maxwell, W. H. Wild sports of the west; with legendary- tales & local sketches. L., Rout- ledge, 1832. 2v. 8vo. New ed., 1850.
Maxwell. W. H. Field book; or sports & pastimes of the United Kingdom. L.. Routledge. 1833. 8vo.
Mayer, A. M. Sport with gun and rod in Am. woods & waters. N. V.. The Century Co. New ed.. 1S85. II. 8vo. $5.
Revail, B. H. Shooting & fishing in N. America (1856). Tr. L., 1865. 2 V. 8vo.
Reynardson, C. T. S. B. Sports & anecdotes of England. Scotland, etc. L.. Chapman & Hall.
1S87. 8vO. I2S.
Schenkendorfi. E. v. Denkschrift Ub. die Ein- richmng deutscher National feste. Lp., R. Voigtlimder, 1897. 28 pp. 8vo. M. 0.80.
Sport with gun and rod in Am. woods & waters, N. Y., Century Co.. 1883. 11.. 8vo. Subs. $TO, $15. Sa'in , 2 V. $12, $iS.
Stockel. Herm.. u. Walther, Ed. Die deutschen Volksleste. Ein Bciirag zur Reform derselben. Vom Zentralausschuss zur Vdrderung der jugend- u. ^'ulks&piele in Deutschland. I'reis- gekronte .\ljhandlg. Munchen. Th. Acker- niann, 1896. 37 pp. Svo. M. 0.60.
Stnm, Joseph. Sporis and pastimes of the people of England from the earliest period. New ed. L., Tegg, 1854.
Trollope, A. British sports and pastimes. L., 1 868.
Volkstuinliche Jugendspiele der Kreisc Julich u. Geilenkirchen. Auf Veranlassg. des konigl. Kreisschulinsp. Hrn. Mundt zu Julich gesam- ineltvon mehreren Lehrern dieser Kreise. Hrsg. V. W. Solinus. Diiren, W. Solinus, 1896. 49 pp. Svo. y\. 0.30.
Walsh, J. H. Stonehenge's British rural sports. 17th ed. N. v., Frederick Warne & Co., 1S90. Svo. $7.50.
Witte. E. Wie sind die dffentlichen Feste des deutbchen Volkes zeitgemass zu reformieren u, 7.U wahren Volksfeste zu gestalien? Gekronic Preisschnit. Lp., R. Voigilander, 1896. 32 pp. Svo. .^L 0.80. (Aus "Jahrb. f. Volks- u. Jugendspiele," 5. Jahrg.)
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Sommer, 1805. ^L 3. Astrogofi, J. V. .\. Le vol au jeu. Cahors, Im-
primerie cadurcienne, 1893. f. 1.50. Badcock, John. Sportsman's slang. L., 1825.
i2nio. Bellew, Frank. Art of amusing: a collection of
graceful arts. N. Y., 1S66. Svo. 7s. od. Bonneveine (pseud. ^. Academic des jeux ....
P., Delarue, itb-,. i2mo. f. 3. Bronwer, Emile dc. 1^ question de jeux. Ostende,
E. de Brouwer, 1863. $0.50.
Delorme, R. Lcs jeux dangereux. P., May &
Motteroz, 1895. 40 pp. Svo. Denton, C. J. When the lessons are over. C,
Denison. 1S92. $0.25. DuraesntI, F. Academic des jeux, conten. lcs
regies, etc., des priiicipaux jeux. P., Bernar-
din-Bechet, 1865. i8mo. f. 2. Exhibition days: cont. dialogues, recitations, cha- rades, tableaux, original blackboard exercises,
pantomimes. & plays. Bo., Young, 1S80. i6mo.
$0.50. Haite, Geo. C, ed. Playmates. L., Griffith,
1888. il. i2mo. IS. Heures de laisir, Nouveau recueil de patiences.
P.. Radenez, 1898. i6mo. 71 pp. Hirth, Geo. Das gtrsammie Turnwesen. Ein
Lesebuch f. deutsche Turner. 2. Aufl. in 4
Abthlg. Besorgt. v. Dr. F. R. Gasch. Ge-
schichtlichc Einleiig. (Erganzungsbd.) Hof,
R. Lion. 1895. 223 pp. Svo. M. 2.60.
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M. 24.20.) How I became a sportsman. L., Chapman & Hall,
1882. Svo. 6s. Hutton, Lawrence. Plays & players. N. Y.,
1875. Svo. 15s. Jacques. M. J. Pranks & pastimes: book of
games. C, Denison, 1888. i2mo. $0.50. Kendall, Mrs. E. D. Mother Goose masquerades:
the Lawrence Mother Goose. Bo., Lee &
Shepard, 1878. obi. Svo. $0.75. Laurent, H. Theorie des jeux de hasard. P.,
Gauthier-Villars. i2mo. f. 2.50. Lettsom,J. C. Hints addressed to card parties.
L., 1798. Svo. Mortiliet, Gabriel. Origines de la chasse, de la
peche et de ragriculiurc. P., Lecrosnier &
Babe, 1890. il. Svo. I. 9. (Bibliotheque
anthrnpologique, v, T2.t Miiller, Elisabeth.' Les heureuses vacances; jeux
ct exercises des petites filles. P., Bedelet,
1874. Svo, f. 2. Oracle of rural life: almanack for sportsmen, etc.
L.. 1840. Oracle symbollcquc (jeu de sociele). P., 1898. Our leisure hours. L., Ward Sl Lock, 1881. Svo.
Pape-Carpanticr. Jeuxgymnastiques avec chants pour les enfants des salles d'asile. P., Ha- chette, 1S93. Svo. il. f. 12.
Passy, Frederic. La question des jeux. P., Bel- laire. 1872. iSmo. $0.50.
Peck, Hedley. comp. The poetry of sports. Bo., Little, Brown & Co., 1896. Svo. $3.50-
Playhours & playtime. L., Frederick Warner & Co.. 1882. 4to. il. 3s. 6d.
Play upon people. L., T. Fisher Unwm, 1S89. Svo. 5s.
Playful hours, by favorite Am. authors. L., Cas- sell &Co., i838. 4to. is. 6d.
Pollock, Sir F. R. Incidents of foreign sport & travel. N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1894. pi. Svo. $6.40.
Quinola, Jean. Nouvelle academic des jeux, con- tenant un dictionnaire des jeux anciens. P., Gamier freres, 1875. izmo. f. 3.
Richard ipseud.). Academic des jeux P.,
Delarne, 1854. 32mo. f. i.
Sanson, C. Alphabet du jeu des echecs ou les elements pour apprendre sen! ce jeu. P., Ber- nardin-Bcchct. 1873. 144 Pp. ismo. il. f. i.
Steele, S. S. Dialogues, drawing-room plays & evening amusements: manual of indoor recre- ations. Ph., Crawiord, 1881. i2mo. $1.
Stephen,!,. Playground of Europe. L., Long- mans, 1894. Svo. 6s.
Wallbridge. A. Council of four: a game at defini- tions. 1848.
Wood, J. G. The playground. L., 1884. 265 pp.