Absolutism, the democratic rising against capitalistic, 46.
Adulteration of foods, 132-134.
Agreements in garment-makers' strike, New York, attacked by I. W. W., 89 n.
Agriculture, coöperative work in, in Italy, 199-200.
American Federation of Labor, the, 53, 68-69, 72; members of, held as scabs by I. W. W., 246.
American Railway Union strike (1894), 104.
Amsterdam dockers' strike (1903), 124.
Anarchism, the I. W. W. and, 30, 168 ff.; strength of tendencies toward, in American Syndicalism, 172; French Syndicalists who believe in, 172; element of, peculiar to the I. W. W., 175; in Italy, 176-178.
Anarchy during strikes, 78.
Angel, Norman, The Great Illusion by, 116 n.
Antagonisms, class, 106-114.
Anthracite Coal Commission, 29.
Apart colonies, 51.
Arbitration, 52, 242.
Arbitration acts, rejection of Canadian, by I. W. W., 147.
Atlantic Monthly, 10.
Australian ballot, disappointment in scope of results from, 51.
Australian strike of 1890, 124 n.
Awakener, service of the I. W. W. as an, 225-238.
Awakener, The, English magazine, 226.
Bax, Belfort, opposition of, to sabotage, 153.
Bergson, Henri, 99; as "the philosopher of the unutterable," 169 n.
Bernstein, E., Der Politische Massenstreik by, 126 n.; committed to compensation, 183.
Berth, Edouard, 99; sabotage opposed by, 153; anarchist protest of, 171.
Bohn, Frank, quoted concerning the thirty-three dynamiters, 162.
Bonus systems, 52.
Boston Elevated Railroad strike, 23, 244.
Bourget, Paul, on Sorel, 172.
Boycott, perils of the, 70, 71.
Brewery workers, rejection of Old Age Pension offer by, 54-55.
Briand, 98.
Bryce, James, 48.
Burke, Edmund, quoted, 36.
Burns, John, 98.