Canada, Arbitration Acts in, 147.
Capitalism, disposal of, according to socialist theory, 179-193.
Caruso, trial of, 8 n.
Channing's History of the United States cited, 77.
Chartism, 62-63.
Chicago, packing-house labor unions in, 88-89; American Railway Union strike at, 104.
Class consciousness, force of the deepened, 106 ff.
Class war, the, 101, 106-114.
Cleveland, Grover, 29.
Cobden, Richard, 47.
Collective bargaining, 224, 245.
Colonizing experiments, disappointment in results from, 51.
Colorado miners' strike, 20, 75.
Communes, socialist, 57.
Compensation, attitude of socialism toward question of, 179-190; attitude of the I. W. W. and Socialist Labor Party, 190-193.
Compensation and Old Age Pension, rejection of, by brewery workers, 54.
Compulsory arbitration, 52-53.
Conciliation, hopes fastened on, 52.
Confiscation, the doctrine of, 190-192.
Constructive suggestion, 194-214; lack of, in American Syndicalism, 250.
Coöperation, constructive suggestion based on, 195-198; under the Syndicalist régime, 198 ff.; the ideal level of Syndicalism, 252.
Coöperative groups, work done by, in European cities, 201-202.
Craft autonomy, 67.
Debs, Eugene, 33, 104; quoted on the I. W. W., 86 n.; doubts raised about sabotage by, 153 n.
Delesalle, a believer in anarchism, 172.
Democracy and the Party System, Ostrogorski's, quoted, 48-49.
Denmark, Socialism in, 3.
Dimnet, Ernest, on the term "la grève perlé," 148 n.
Direct action, 128, 129 ff.; vs. the indirect action of capitalism, 129-130; similarity of
sabotage and, 132, 134; as illustrated by the ordinary strike, 158.
Direct primaries, 48.
Disraeli, the Sybil of, quoted, 63.
Douglas, Frederick, 138.
Dreyfus, the case of, 131.
Dynamiters, an I. W. W. view of the thirty-three, 162.
Economic basis, need of a broader, to secure a real
democracy, 48-49.
Educative agencies, vanity of hopes of results from, 50-51.
England, Socialism in, 3.
Ettor, trial of, 8 n.; references