Immigrants in the I. W. W., 21, 92.
Independent, article on "Direct Action" in, 136-137, 163 n.
Indirect action practiced by capitalism against labor, 129-130.
Industrial Worker, The, organ of the I. W. W., 85.
Industrial Workers of the World (I. W. W.), first appearance of the, 20; class especially appealed to by, 21; attitude for statesmanship to take toward,
21-22; revolutionary character of movement, 22-23; as a world movement, 25-30; anarchist rôle enacted by, 30-31, 168 ff.; idealism at heart of the movement, 31; forerunners of the, 61-72; attack of, on Socialism, 73 ff.; birth of, in strike of Western Federation of Miners in Colorado, 75; terms demanded of the employing class by, 79-80; inflammatory appeals of, 79-80, 81-82; first convention of (1904), 83-84; second convention (1906), 85-86; appearance of disrupting antagonisms
in, 86-89; seventh convention (1912), 90-91; newer immigrants in, 92; youth of membership, 92-93; general characteristics of, 92-105; strength
derived by, from fusion of whole body of workers, 120-121; attitude towards compensation, 190-192; effects of responsibility upon, 215 ff.; chief grounds for criticism of ways and means of, 224; services rendered by, as an awakener, 225-238.
Initiative, the, 48.
Intellectuals, the, 108, 109, 111, 112; real indispensability of, to the I. W. W., 112-114; effective formulas for the General Strike furnished by, 115.
International, the, 63, 219, 220.
International Working People's Association, 221.
Irritation strike, the, 158.
Italy, socialism in, 3; strike of railway employees in, 118-119; the anarchist element in Syndicalism shown in, 176-177; possibilities of coöperative industry in, 199-200.
Jaurès, quoted on compensation, 183.
Jefferson, Thomas, faith of, in popular educative agencies, 50.
Judge, Syndicalist's speech to a, quoted, 102-103.
Kautsky, Karl, on the I. W. W., 73-74; mentioned, 151, 153; committed to compensation, 183; quoted on expropriation of the capitalist, 185.
Kenngott, G. F., Record of a City by, quoted, 230-232.
Keufer, A., 216, 222.