to, 9, 117, 131; trial of, as viewed by French syndicalist reporter, 91; quoted on violence in the code of the I. W. W., 159.
Faure, Syndicalist veteran, 137.
Favre, Jules, 115.
Fourier, 47, 65, 141.
France, socialism in, 3; Haywood's account of the general strike in, 117-118; reformist parties in, 221-222; advantage to syndicalist experiments in, from weakness of trade unions, 246.
Garibaldi's army, an illustration from, 22.
Garment-makers' strike. New York, 89 n.
General Confederation of Labor, 75.
General strike, the, 71, 86-87, 93, 115-128.
Germany, Socialism in, 3; weakness of Syndicalism in, due to strength of labor unions, 245-246.
Ghent, W. J., on socialism in the Roosevelt programme, 100; on the class war, 108; on sabotage, 154.
Giovannitti, trial of, 8 n.; mentioned, 9.
Girardin, E. de, 115.
Goldfield, Nevada, I. W. W. attacks in, 246.
Gompers, 79.
Government interference in industrial affairs, 28-29; influence of public opinion upon, 31.
Grand Lodge, the, of the Owenites, 61, 62.
Grand National Consolidated Trade Unions of 1834, 93.
"Gréviculture," 135.
Griffuehles, Victor, L'Action Syndicaliste by, 123 n.; quoted, 128, 131; mentioned, 135 n.
Guèsde, 153.
Guild life of Middle Ages, strikes in the, 116
Hardy, Keir, 153.
Harley, J. H., Syndicalism by, 63 n.
Haywood, William D., 69, 82, 85, 91, 178; a production of the Colorado miners' strike, 75-77; Industrial Socialism by, quoted, 80; The General Strike by, quoted, 117-120; lack of consistency in position of, on National Executive Board of socialist party, 239-240.
Henderson, C. H., Pay-Day by, quoted, 187-188.
Hillquit, Morris, quoted on compensation, 186.
Homestead strike, 13.
Hugo, Victor, 115.
Humbert, King, murder of, 176-177.
Hunter, Robert, quoted, 154 a.