Secretary of the I. W. W., 79, 91, 155; quoted, 85, 207 n.; on violence in I. W. W. tactics, 160-161.
St. Simon, 47.
San Diego, events at, showing Syndicalism as a world movement, 25-27; Weinstock report on disturbances in, 173.
Scabs, discussion of, 38.
Seidel, Mayor, 4.
Shaw, Bernard, 112; quoted on white slave traffic, 226.
Sliding scales, 52.
Socialism, prevalent skepticism as to growth of, 1-2; undeniable development of, in United States, 2-3; spread of, in European countries, 3; a part and parcel of American political and social structure, 4; fusion of old political parties due to, 4-5; reasons for spread of party, 5-8; influence of capital and labor unionism for and against, 12-13; toward organized labor, 16 ff.; character of the protest that is voiced by, 32; sacrifices of, to carry on the cause, 33-37; vigor and achievement of, resulting from failures of competing attempts, 47; rise of Syndicalism due in part to disappointment in results from, 57-58; penalty due from, for promising too much, 58; hopes carried to the masses by, 58-59; attack of the I. W. W. on, 73 ff.; attitude of, toward compensation to capitalism, 179-193.
Socialist Labor Party, 90; confiscation rather than compensation advocated by, 192.
Social Unrest, The, 12; quoted on the outcome of capital's struggle with labor, 17-18.
Solidarity, lack of real, between different classes of workers, 69-70.
Solidarity, periodical, hostility expressed by, against socialist leaders, 152 n.; quoted on use of violence in tactics of I. W. W., 161; cited and quoted, 206 n., 207 n.
Sorel, George, writings of 9,4, 99; scorching of the "intellectuals" by, 112-113; opposition of, to sabotage, 153; references to, 169, 170, 212-213; support of anarchism by, 172.
Spanish strike in 1874, 124.
Stephens, M. S., originator of the Knights of Labor, 64-66.
Sterner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenttum of, 168 n.
Stewart, W. D., 53 n.
Stockholm strike, the, 126-127.
Strikes, the real significance of, 39-43.
"Survey" of Pittsburg, 19; of Lowell, 229-232.
Sympathetic strike, the, 71-72.
Syndicalism, first appearance of, 20; as a world movement, 25-30; rise of, accounted for in part by disappointed hopes from other methods of reform, 56-57; in its origin the counterpart of our "trade unionism," 57 n.; necessity for differentiating from the roots
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