from which it sprang, 59-60; forerunners of, 61-72; struggle of labor against capitalism directed to gain control at the centers and sources of economic power by, 129. See Industrial Workers of the World.
Taff-Vail Decision, 23.
Technical World report quoted, 144-145.
Thomas, Albert, 216.
Tolstoi, L. N., 112, 116, 170-171.
Trade unions, as educational and conservative forces, 12; recognition of wage system by, 12; adherents of I. W. W. contrasted with supporters of, 21; disappointment in workers' hopes from, 53-54; entrance of I. W. W. where weakness in, exists, 245-246.
Trautmann, W. E., quoted, 81-82, 88-89, 160; Industrial Unionism of, quoted, 107; Direct Action and Sabotage by, cited, 132; pamphlet on One Big Union by, 203-206.
Tridon, André, article on "Direct Action" by, 136-137, 163 n.
Universal strike, the, 158.
Universal suffrage, disappointment in results of, 50.
Violence, question of, and relation to propaganda of the I. W. W., 127-128, 158 ff.
Voluntary arbitration, 52.
Wage system, recognized by trade unionism but an object for destruction to socialism, 12-13; the point of attack for rebellious workers, 44-45; challenge presented by labor to the present working of, 60.
Waiters' strike, 228-229.
Walling, W. E., quoted, 67 n.; Socialism as It Is by, 99; on Roosevelt and socialism, 100; on the war of classes, 111-112; on violence, 166 n.
Webbs, the, 61; hostility of to the I. W. W., 153.
Weinstock, Col., report of, on disturbances in San Diego, 173.
Welfare work, 242.
Wells, H. G., quoted on the class war, 107-108; sabotage opposed by, 153; committed to compensation, 183; Misery of Boots by, quoted, 184.
Western Federation of Miners, 75, 85; origin and constitution of, 76.
White slave traffic, 225-227.
Wilson, Woodrow, quoted, 19-20; mentioned, 32.
World Brotherhood, the, 219.
Wright, Carroll D., 75.
Youngstown, Ohio, I. W. W. outbreaks in, 246.
Yvetot, Georges, definition of "direct action" by, 134; an anarchist, 172.