moiety thereof to the use of the said company hereby established, and their successors, for and towards the maintaining the said forts and settlements, and the other moiety to and for the use of him or them who shall inform or sue for the same.
XXX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the lord high admiral of Great Britain, or the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of Great Britain for the time being, shall, from time to time, give instructions to the captains of such of his Majesty's ships of war as shall be stationed or ordered to cruise within the limits aforesaid, from time to time, to inspect and report to them the state and condition in which the said forts and settlements shall be; and the officers of such forts are required to permit such captains to view and inspect the same; and copies of all such reports shall, every session of parliament, be laid before parliament.
XXXI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That such commission officers of his Majesty's navy, as the lord high admiral of Great Britain, or the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of Great Britain, for the time being, shall appoint for that purpose, shall inspect and examine the state and condition of the forts and settlements on the coast of Africa, in the possession of the said royal African company, and of the number of soldiers therein, and also the state and condition of the military stores, castles, Naves, canoes, and other vessels and things, belonging to the said company, and necessary for the use and defence of the said forts and settlements, and shall with all possible dispatch report how they find the same, to the said lord high admiral, or commissioners for executing the said office; and the said company, and their officers and servants, are hereby required to permit the said officers of the navy to make such inspection and examination, and to assist them therein; a copy of which report shall be laid before parliament at the beginning of the next session.
XXXII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the accountant general of the high court of Chancery for the time being, and such two of the other masters of the said court, as the lord high chancellor of Great Britain for the time being, or lord keeper of the great seal of Great Britain for the time being, or the lords commissioners for the great seal of Great Britain for the time being, shall, from time to time, nominate for that purpose, shall be, and they are hereby constituted