and appointed commissioners for examining into the claims of the creditors of the said royal African company: and such commissioners, or any two of them, are hereby impowered and required, by the examination of the parties interested, or the testimony of witnesses upon oath, or by the inspection and examination of the books, deeds, writings, and accounts of the said company, and their creditors respectively, or otherwise, according to their discretion, to examine into the said claims, and to enquire and state how and when the same were respectively incurred, and for what consideration the same were originally, really, and bona fide, contracted or became due; and upon what consideration, and when the claimants became respectively intitled thereto, together with their opinion of the justness and reasonableness of such debts respectively; and for that purpose all and every the creditors of the said company are hereby required on or before the respective days and times hereafter limited and appointed for that purpose, to deliver or cause to be delivered in writing under their respective hands, or the hands of persons by them respectively authorized, unto such officer or officers, and at such place within the city of London, as the said commissioners, or any two of them shall appoint, of which notice Mall be given in the London Gazette, a just and true account of their respective claims upon the said company, together with a true copy of the securities by which they respectively claim the same, and such of the said creditors as reside in Great Britain or Ireland, shall make their respective claims on or before the thirtieth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, and such of them as are resident on the coast of Africa, or elsewhere beyond the seas, shall make their respective claims on or before the thirtieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and fifty; and the directors and officers of the said company, and all other persons whatsoever, whom the said commissioners, or any two of them all think fit to examine, touching the matters aforesaid, are hereby strictly required and enjoined to attend the said commissioners, from time to time, and at all such times and places as the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall under their hands require or appoint, and to give the best and truest information they can, touching the said claims, and to produce all books, papers, deeds, or records relating thereto, in their respective custody or power, as the said commissioners, or any two of them (hall direct; and the said commissioners, or any two of them are hereby authorized to
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