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Page:An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language).djvu/43

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Ahunpara, アフンパラ, 地獄ノ入口. n. The entrance to hades.

Ahun-pururugep, アフンプルルゲプ, 家二吹キ込ミシ雨雪塵ノ如キモノ. n. Snow, rain or dust blown into a house by the wind.

Ahunrasambe, アフンラサムベ, 梟、フクロウ. n. An owl of any kind.

Ahun-tonchi-kama-ni, アフントンチカマニ, 戶ノ摩. n. A door-sill.

Ahun-turupa, アフンツルパ, 内ノ戶. n. An inner doorway. Syn: Ahunapa.

Ahun-ushike, アフンウシケ, 入口. n. An entrance. A place of entering in. Syn: Ahun-i.

Ahup, アフプ, 入ル(複數). v.i. To enter (pl).

Ahupkara, アフプカラ, 貰フ、例セバ、マチアフプカラ、妻ヲ貰フ. v.t. To receive. To accept. To marry. As:—Amip ahupkara, "To receive some clothes." Machi ahupkara, "To take a wife."

Ahupkarabe, アフプカラベ, 貰ヒ物. n. Something received. A present.

Ahupkara-guru, アフプカラグル, 乞兒、物ヲ貰フ人、コヂキ. n. A recipient. A beggar. Syn: Iya-hupkara-guru.

Ahupkara-po, アフプカラポ, 貰兒、モライコ. n. An adopted child.

Ahupte, アフプテ, 入レル(複數). v.t. (pl). To send in. To put in. To bring in. To admit.

Ahupte-i, アフプテイ, 入レルコト. n. An admittance. A bringing in.

Ahuptere, アフプテレ, 入レサセル(複數). v.t. To send in by another (pl).

Ahuptere-i, アフプテレイ, 他人ニ入レサセルヿ. n. A sending or bringing in by another.

Ai, アイ, 河ノ細支流. n. A tributary of a river.

Ai, アイ, 刺、トゲ. n. Thorns of plants.

Ai, アイ, 矢、例セバ、アイラプ、矢ノ羽根. n. An arrow. As:—Ai-rap, "feathers of arrow shafts." Ai-rum, "an arrow-head."



此ノ字ハ AWA ト同ジ、在リテ. part. This particle is a kind of past tense factor, equalling "did," "was". As:—Shomo ene ku inu kuni ku ramu ahi, tan orushpe ku nu, "I did not expect to hear such news as this I have now heard." A-hi is in some instances interchangeable with awa. Syn: An.



此ノ字ハ順序又ハ時刻ヲ指スモノナリ. part. Sometimes this particle is used as an adverb of time. As:— Ki kusu ne a-i., "the time it ought to be done." Tane ku oman kuni a-i epa ruwe ne., "It is now time for me to go."

Aiai, アイアイ, 嬰兒、赤子、アカゴ. n. A baby. An infant.

Aiai-iyomap, Same as Aiai-o-umbe.

Aiainukoro, アイアイヌコロ, 滿足ニ思フ. v.i. To be contented. Syn: Yaiyainuwere. Yaiyainukoro.

Aiai-o-umbe, アイアイオウムベ, 兒守カ兒ヲ負フトキ背ノ上ニ兒ヲ坐セシムル木. n. A piece of wood tied to a sling used for carrying