Yairarire, v.t. To follow. To go after. As : — Seturu kashike yairarire, "he followed close behind him." Yairat, v.t. To conceive. Syn: Honkoro. Yairawere, v.i. One who talks of doing something but leaves it undone. Syn: Monrawere. Yairenga, v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. As: — Shi no ku yairenga, "I am very pleased" Yairenga, v.i. To salute. Yairengane, adv. With pleasure. Joyfully. Syn: Ikopuntek. Yairiki-guru-pumba, v.i. To be lifted up upon the clouds or wind. To get up in a hurry. (pl). Yairiki-guru-puni, v.i. To be lifted up upon the clouds or wind. To get up in a hurry, (pl). Yairiki-pumba, v.i. To rise up. To be lifted up. (pl). Yairiki-puni, v.i. To rise up. To be lifted up. (pl). Yairikotte, v.i. To hang one's self. Syn: Yaiateraige. Yaiotusheotte. |
Yairire, v.i. To reach up for anything. To stretch one's self. To be proud. Yairiterite, v.i. To stretch bne's legs and arms. To take exercise, as after an illness. Syn: Yaikotande. Yaisannyo, adj. Prudent. Yaisambepokash, adj. Down hearted. Troubled. Pitiable. Yaisambepokashte, v.t. To give trouble to. To render down hearted. Yaisamne, adv. Merely. Without any special object. Never mind. It is nothing. Yaisantapka, n. One's arms and shoulders. As: — Yaisantapka riterite, "to stretch" or "exercise one's arms and shoulders." Yoisarama, adj. Proud. Boastful. Yaishikakushte, ir4 >1}9 vir* ^ ;v (Sk:^ K5^). V.U To throw over one's self, as a garment. Yaishikashke, v.i. To defend one's seIf against a charge. Yaishimattarire, v.t. To leave. To cease. Syn: Shiokere. Yaishinire, |
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