To aim at. To look straight at. Thus:—Meko anak ne erum eyongororo wa hopiye kuni korachi an ruwe ne, "the cat is lying in wait ready to spring upon the mouse." Syn: Oyokoush.
Yoni,(Japanese characters). v.i. To contract. To shrink.
Yontekbe, (Japanese characters) or Yontekkam,(Japanese characters). n. The calf of the leg. The muscle of the arm.
Yop,(Japanese characters). adj Chief. Principal. Parent. Head. As:—Yop-kotan, "the chief city or capital of a country."
Yopbe,n. One's dead father.
Yoruki-puni,(Japanese characters). v.t. To stir up. To raise up. As:—Wen keutum yoriki puni, "to stir up evil feelings."
Yorokomne,(Japanese characters). v.i. To be shrunk up as the body of an old person or the hand or leg of a sick person.
Yoropui,(Japanese characters). n. The anus. Syn: Otompui.
Yorun,(Japanese characters)v.t. To beg. Syn: Yorun-ki.
Yorun-guru, (Japanese characters), or Yorun-ki-guru,(Japanese characters)n. A beggar.
Yoshpe,(Japanese characters)n. The large intestines.
Yot,(Japanese characters)v.i. To be made dizzy. To be perplexed.