Ashpa, アシパ, 降ル、(複數). v.i. To descend. To come down. (pl. of ash).
Ash-ratchako, アシラッチャコ, 標燈、タチランプ. n. A standing light. A light set up as a guide.
Ashrekut, アシレクツ, 第一頂椎. n. The top of the spine. Atlas.
Ashrukonna, アシルコンナ, 建ツ. v.i. To stand (as a house). To be built up.
Ashte, アシテ, 立タセル. v.t. To set up. To make stand.
Ashui, アシュイ, 一度. adj. Once. Syn: Ashiu. Arashuine.
Ashuttasa, アシュッタサ, 供養スル. v.t. To perform certain rites for the dead.
Ashuye, アシュイェ, 手招キスル、搖スル. v.t. To call by beckoning to. To shake about. Syn: Ashuye-shuye. Korenna-shuye.
Ashwambe, アシワンベ, 陰核. n. Clitoris.
Asnap, アスナプ, 櫂、カイ. n. An oar.
Asoro, アソロ, 底、跡、臀、シリ. n. Bottom. Hinder-most. The posteriors. Syn: Asoro.
Asoye, アソイェ, 穴ヲ穿ツ. v.t. To bore a hole.
Asoyep, アソイェプ, 錐、キリ. n. A gimlet.
Assa, アッサ, 漕ク. v.t. To row. Syn: Assap-koro.
Assap, アッサプ,
Asnap, アスナプ,
櫂、カイ. n. An oar.
Assap-chikiri-ush, アッサプチキリウシ, 水カキ足. n. Web-footed.
Assuru, アッスル, ( Japanese characters). n. Fame.
Assuru-an, アッスルアン, ( Japanese characters). adj. Famous.
Assuru-ash-hawe-o, アッスルアシハウェオ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To have become famous.
Assurunure, アッスルヌレ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To make known.
Asura-ni, アスラニ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To make famous. To make known. To narrate. To describe.
Asuru-oroge-hopuni, アスルオロゲホプニ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To spread about a rumour.
Asurube, アスルベ, ( Japanese characters). n. A bear's ear.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). adj. One of a pair. One. Half. As:—At-kema, “one foot.” At-tem, “half a mile.” (lit: “half a stretch of the arms).
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). n. Elm fibre. A string. A thong. A loot-lace.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). n. The handle of anything. The sash of a bag. Syn: Atu. Atuhu.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). n. A kind of grey flying-squirrel. Pteromys leucogenys, Temm.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Shining. Light. To shine. Syn: Tom.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Plentiful. To be numerous.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To come forth as stream or smoke.
At, アツ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. Are. (pl. of an).