Chikiri, (Japanese characters) n. A lump. A heap.
Chikiri-ashikipet, (Japanese characters). n. The toes.
Chikiribe, (Japanese characters). n. Ornamental clothes. Clothes ornamented with fancy needlework. Syn: Chikarakarabe. Chikemekarabe.
Chikisa-kara, (Japanese characters) v.i. To make fire by rubbing sticks together.
Chikisa-ni, (Japanese characters). n. The elm tree. Ulmus campestris, Sm. The wood and roots of this tree are used especially for producing fire.
Chikisa-ni-karush, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of mushroom (Pleurotus) which grows on the stems of fallen elm-trees. It is used as food by the Ainu. Pleurotus ulmurius, Bull.
Chikisap, (Japanese characters). v.i. To strike fire with a flint and steel.
Chikisap, (Japanese characters). n. A slope. A hill-side. Syn: Huru-kotoro.
Chikishirototo, (Japanese characters). v.i. To rub an itching spot.
Chikka, (Japanese characters). v.i. To drop as drops of water. To let drip. Syn: Chikte.
Chikkiri, (Japanese characters). n. Name of a game somewhat resembling draft, (see ukonittupte).
Chikko, (Japanese characters). n. An old man.
Chikoapushke, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be wounded. To be
torn as by a bear. Syn: Piri-ao.
Chikobap, (Japanese characters). n. A beetle.
Chikoe, (Japanese characters). v.i. To eat with. As:—Enio shum chikoe, "he eats fat with the potatoes."
Chiko-hummore, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be quiet. To become silent. To stand still and listen.
Chikoikip, (Japanese characters). n. Animals of any kind whether of land or sea.
Chikokarakari, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have become entangled. To be done.
Chikokari, (Japanese characters). v.i. Same as Chikokarakari.
Chikokatpak, (Japanese characters). n. Sins. Misdemeanours. Evil acts done.
Chikokatpak-ki, (Japanese characters). v.i. To commit sins.
Chikokatpakte, (Japanese characters). v.i. To make sin. To fix sins upon a person. To condemn.
Chikokoi, (Japanese characters). n. The kidneys.
Chikonoiba, (Japanese characters). v.i. To run round. To trickle as blood from a wound. To run as grease from a candle.
Chiko-okere, (Japanese characters). v.i. To bring to naught. To finish.
(Japanese characters)