Continuative. T. 1. Bag ka-killi-liu T. 3. Bag ka-killi-li-ela.
T. 1. Kan bag bo.
T. 1. Bali ka-kill-c4n* T. 6. Bali ka-kill-ala-ta
4. „ ka-kill-ala 7. „ ka-kill-ai-kolag
5. „ ka-kiU-ai-keuii 8. „ ka-kill-ai-kin
T. 9. Bali ka-killa-nun.
- = 'We two are living together, the one with the other, now.'
SuBjuNCTiTE Mood.
1. The constmct verh, denoting purpose.
T. 10.
Ka-ldlli-ko, 'to be, exist, remain.' Ka-killi-koa, ' to continue to be or live.' Iva-kill-ai-koa, ' to live one with another.'
2. The construct verb, denotinfj the immediate purpose of the action in the preceding clause ; lohen no clause precedes, the form oftlie verb denotes a wisli.
T. 10. Ka-uwil-koa bag, ' that I may or might be,' ' I wish to be.'
T. 1. Iva-tea-kan bag T. 9. Ka-tea-lia-niin bag
T. 9, Ka-tea-kun-koa bag.
Contemporary circumstance.
T. 1. Ka-tc4u bag ba* T. 3. Ka-killi-ela bag ba
T. 9. Ka-niin bag ba.
- The whole of the indicative mood may be thus declined with ha.
Implied negation of actual becoming.
T. 10a. Ka-mai ga bag Implied negation of cntitg or being.
T. 10b. Ka-pa bag ba T. 10c. Ka-pa-ta bag ba
T. lOd. Keawaran* bag ka-pa
- ireawaran is a negative.
Imperative Mood. Ka-nwa bi, 'be thou.'
Ka-kill-ia bi, ' continue thou to be, live, remain.' Ka-uwa bi gintoa bo, 'be thou thyself.' Ka-kilhi bula (dual and plural only), ' be ye two.' Ka-tea-ka bi, ' be thou again.'
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