6. The verb, expressinrj heinj or existence: ke, 'be,' * is.'
Example : — •
M i u a r i g k e u u n i ? ' what (tliiug) is this ? '
[XoTE. — I am not sure that all these particles are used as substitutes for the verb ' to be.' — Ed.]
Ixdicjltive Mood. Affirmatively. Negatively.
T. 1. Kauwci, bdn-tauboQ bag. Keawarau, bou bag bun korien.
' Yps, I strike him.' ' No, I striVe him not.'
5. Bun-keuQ bou bag. Keawai, bcni bag bun-ki-pa.
' I have struck him.' ' No, I have not stniok him.'
6. Biin-kulla bun bag. Keawaran, bon bag biim-pa.
' I had struck him.' ' No, I had not struck him.'
8. Bun-kin bdn bag. Keawai, bon bag bun-kin.
' I shall strike him.' ' No, I shall not strike him.'
9. Biin-nuu walbonbag. Ivea\vai,wal bon bag bun korien.
' I shall strike him.' ' No, I shall not strike him.'
Pabticiples, T.
1. Bun-kill-in bdn bag. Keawaran, bdn bag biin-killi korien.
• I am striking him.' ' No, I am not striking him.'
3. Biin-killi-ela bdn bag. Keawaran,bdnbagbun-killikorakal.
' I was striking him.' ' No, I was not going to strike him.'
9. Bun-killi-niin bdn bag. Keawai, bdn hag biin-killi kora ke. ' I am going to strike him.' ' No, I am not going to strike him.'
Impebatite Mood. Mandatory —
Eiiwa bdn, 'strike him.' Ma, biiwa b<)n, ' do, strike him.' Tanoa, biin-ki 3ukora bdn, ' let be, strike him not.' Biin-kill;!, 'strike on,' 'continue to strike.' Tanoa, bun-killa-bau kora, ' let be, cease striking.' Bum-mara-biin-billa bdn, 'permit him to be struck.' Yari, bdn bi bum-mara-biin-bi yikora, 'hold! let him Jiot be struck.'
Entreaty —
Biim-mun-billa-bdn, 'permit him to strike.' Yanoa, biim-mun-bi yikora bdn, ' let be, permit him not to
strike.' Interrogative —
Minarig-tin binug bun-kulla? 'why did'st thou strike him?' Kora koa binug bum-pa ? ' why hast thou not struck him ?'
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