Wivvi, ' be quiet,' 'do not what you tend to do.'
Yaai, 'refrain,' ' do not,' ' cease acting,' 'hold'! ' let not.'
Tari, yanoa, 'let be,' ' let alone,' ' do not.'
The use of the word determines whether it should be called a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. A word used with the particle of agency would be considered a noun ; but the same word, if attached to a noun, would be an adjective ; used with a verb, it would be an adverb; as, porrol, 'heavy'; pdrrdl ta unni, ' this is heavy ' ; porrol noa wiytln, 'he speaks heavily.' Adverbs arc classed in the following manner : —
1. Of Numler.
Wakal bo ta, ' once only.' Buloara bo ta, ' twice only.'
JS'gdro bo ta, ' thrice only.'
2. Of Order.
Bonen, 'the first to be done,' Kurri-kurri, 'the beginning, the
Grdnka, 'the first,' or 'before.' first.'
Willug, 'the last,' or 'behind.'
3. Of Place.
Unti, 'here.' Bara-kolag, 'downtvards.'
Unnug, 'there.' Muriug-kolag, 'forwards.'
Wonnug? 'where?' AVillug-koIag, 'backwards.'
Wonta-kolag, 'Avhither' ? "Wonta-birug? 'whence? from Unti-kolag, 'hither.' what place?'
Untoa-kolag, 'thither.' TJnta-birug, 'thence.' [time.
Wokka-kolag, ' upwards.' Unti-birug, ' hence'; place or
4. Of Time.
Ba, 'when ; at the time that' ; Keawai-wal, 'never, not at any
gai-ya, 'then,' must always time'; ' no, never.'
be after it. Kum-ba, 'yesterday' (when the
Bug-gai, 'this present period, verb is in a past tense); ' to-
now, to-day' ; 'the time now niorrow' (when used with a
passing.' verb in the future tense).
Bug-gai-kal, 'of the present Ki'im-ba ken ta, ' the day after
period; fresh, new, recently.' to-morrow.'
Gai-ya, 'then, at that time' ; Mura-ai, ' sometimes.'
it is governed by the par- Murrin-murrin, 'often, repeat- tide ba. edly, frequently.'
Kabo, 'presently.' Taga, 'before, prior to.'
Kabo ka ta, ' presently it is,' Tanoa-nug bo, 'soon.'
for 'not yet,' Toan-ta, 'afterwards.'
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