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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/144

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��Bi'mmulliko, m., to rob, to take by violence, to snatch.

Bur-bug-gulliko, m., to cause to be light or well, to cure.

Burkulliko, in., to be light as a bird, to fly; to be convales- cent.

Burug-biig-gulliko, wj., to cause to be loose, to set at liberty.


��Gakilliko, m., to see, to look, to observe with the eye.

Gakombilliko, m., to deceive, to cheat.

Gakontibunbilliko, «?., to dis- regard, not to mind.

Gakoyelliko, in., to lie, to tell a falsehood.

Gamaigulliko, m., to see, to look, but not to notice.

Garabo, m., to sleep.

Garawatilliko. m., to lose one's self.

Garbug-gulliko, m., to convert into, to cause to become.

Gari-gari, m., to pant.

Garo-garo, m., to fall down.

Garokilliko, m., to stand upon the feet.

Garokinbilliko, m., to stand up.

Gimilliko, m., to know by the eye, as a person or place.

GiratimuUiko, m., to feed, to give food.

Girulliko, m., to tie.

Goitig, m., to be short.

Goloin, m., to be complete or finished.

Gukilliko, m., to give, to pre- sent.

Gumaigulliko, m., to offer.

Gupaiyiko, m., to give back, to pay, to return in exchange.

Gurald, ;;?., to be wise, skilful.

Gurra-korien, m., not to bear.

��Gurramag, in., to be initiated.

Gurramaigulliko, m., to hear, but not to obey.

Gurrara, m., to pity.

Gurrawatilliko, m., for remem- brance to pass away, to for- get any place, or road ; cf. woguntilliko.

Gurrayelliko, m., to hearken, to be obedient, to believe.

Gurrulliko, m., to hear, to obey, to understand with the ear.

Gurrunborburrilliko, m., to let fall tears, to weep, to shed tears.


��Iva-amulliko, m., to cause to be assembled together, to assemble.

Ivaipulliko, in., to call out, to cry aloud.

Tvaiyu,w.,to be able, powerful, mighty.

Kakilli-ban-kora, m., do not be.

Kakilliko, in., to be, to exist in any state.

Kaki-yikora, m., be not.

Ivapirri, m., to be hungry.

Kapulliko, in., to do ; without the idea of effect upon any object.

Karabulliko, m., to spill.

Karakai, in., to be active, to be quick, to hasten.

Karakal-imiulliko, in., to cure, to make well ; a compoiand of ' karakai,' a doctor, and 'umulliko,' to do, to make.

Karol, in., to be hot, to perspire from the heat of the sun.

Kauwal, m., to be large, great.

K.ekal, in., to be sweet, plea- sant, nice, delightful.

Kia-kia, m., to be courageous, strong, powerful ; to conquer.

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