��Kilbug-gulliko, m., to compel
to snap. Ivilburrilliko, w., to snap at by
means of something, as a
hook is snapped at by a fish. Kilkulliko, m., to snap asun- der, as a cord of itself. Killibinbin, m., to shine, to be
brijiht, to be glorious. Kimulliko, m., to wring, to
squeeze as a sponge, to milk. Ivimmulliko, m., to broil meat
on coals of fire. Kinta, «?., to be afraid. Kiutai; kintelliko; ««., to laugh. Kiuukinari, m., to be wet. Ivirabarawirrilliko, m., to twirl
the stem of grass-tree until
it ignites. Kirilliko, m., to lade out waier,
to bail a canoe or boat. Kiroapulliko, «?., to pour out
water, to empty water. Kirrai-kirrai, m., to revolve, to
go round. Kirrawi, m., to be lengthy, to be
long; c/!'goitig,' m., to be
short in length. Kirrin, m., to pain. Kitelliko, m., to chew. Kiunurig, m., to be wet. Ko, m., to be, to come into ex- istence. Koakilliko, m., to rebuke, to
scold, to quarrel. Koinomulliko, «*., to cough. Koipulliko, ??«., to smell. Koitta, 7«., to stink. Koiyubulliko, w., to burn with
fire. Koiyun, m., to be ashamed. Kolayelliko, m., to keep secret,
not to tell, not to disclose. Kolbi, m., to sound, as the
Avind or sea in a storm. Kolbuntilliko, m., to chop with
an axe or scythe, to mow.
��K(illabi]liko, in., to fish with a line. The line is held in the hand.
Kollamulliko, m., to make se- cret, to conceal anything told.
Konein, in., to be handsome, pretty.
KontiuiuUiko, m., to wear as a dress.
Ivorawalliko, m , to watch, to stay by a thing.
Korien, m., not to be ; the nega- tive form of ' ko.'
Korokal, m., to be worn out, threadbare.
Korokon, m., to roar, as the wind or sea ; cf'. kolbi.
Korun, m., to be silent, to be quiet.
Korunpaiyelliko, in., to remain silent.
Kotabunbinla, in., to permit to think, to remember.
Kotelliko, VI., to think.
Kottiin, m., to be wet and chilly, from rain.
Kugun, in., to be muddy.
Kulbilliko, in., to lean, to re- cline.
Kulbun-kulbun, m., to be very handsome, elegant.
Ivulwun, in., to be stiff, clay- cold, as a corpse.
Kum-bara-paiyelliko, m., to be troublesome, to give one a headache by noise.
Kumbaro, m., to be giddy, to have a headache from dizzi- ness.
Kuubun, m., to be rotten, as a skin or cloth.
Kunbuntilliko, in., to cut with a knife.
Kuuna, in., to be burned.
Kurkulliko, in., to spring up, to jump, to leap.
Kur-kur, m., to be cold.
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