��Kurmiir, w., to be rotten, as
wood; c/!, kuubun. Kurr.i, V2.. to be slow. Jvurrjigkopilliko, m., to spit. Kurral, m., to be disabled, to
be wounded. Kurrilliko, m., to carry. Kuttawaiko, m., to be satisfied
with food, satiated, drunk.
Ma, w., to challenfi^e, to dare; to command to do.
Miinkilliko, m., to take, to ac- cept, to take hold of.
Manmunbilliko, ■;;?., to cause to take, to let take, to let have.
Mardgkoiyelliko, m., to pro- claim, to make known.
Matelliko, m., to be gluttonous.
Meapuliiko, in., to plant.
Mimulliko, m., to detain, to compel to. wait.
Minki, m., to sorrow, to sym- pathize.
Minkilliko, m., to remain, to dwell.
MiromuUiko, m., to keep.
Mirial, m., to be without, to be poor, miserable ; a desert place.
Mirrilliko, ???., to sharpen into a point, as a spear.
Mirrinupulliko, OT.,to cause to be sharp.
Mitti, m., to be small.
Mittilliko, m., to wait, to stay, to remain.
Mitug, m., to be cut, wounded, sore.
Morilliko, m., to wind up as a string.
Moron, ???., to be alive.
Moroun, m., to be tame, quiet, docile, patient.
Mdttilliko, m., to pound with a stone, like pestle and mortar.
��Mulamulliko, m., to vomit.
Mumbilliko, m., to borrow, to lend.
Munui, m., to be sick, ill, or to be diseased.
Muntilliko, w.,to be benighted, to be overtaken with dark- ness.
Mupai, m., to fast; to keep the mouth closed ; to be silent, dumb.
Mupaikaiyelliko, «?., to remain silent, to continue dumb.
Murralliko, m., to run.
Murrarag, ???., to be good, ex- cellent, valuable.
]S'eilpaIyelliko,77?.,to shout; the
noise of war or play. Nigulliko, 7??., to play, to sport. NiiJau-nillan, m., to be smashed
into pieces. Ximulliko, m., to pinch. Ninmilliko, in., to seize, to
snatch. Niuwara, m., to be angry, dis- pleased. Nug-gurrawolliko, m., to meet. Niigkilliko, «2., to be success-
i'ul, fortunate ; to obtain. NummuUiko, m., to press, to
force down. Numulliko, m., to touch with
the hand. Nupulliko, m., to try, to learn,
to attempt. Nurilliko, vi., to throw the
' boomerang.'
Paikulliko, vu, to act of its own power, to act of itself.
Paikulliko, w., to show one's self spontaneously.
Paipilliko, m., to appear, to be- come visible.
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