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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/162

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Wonta-kolag bi uwan? Syclney-kolag.

Whitlier-towards thou movest? Sydney-towards.

»«., where are you going? to Sydney. "VV o n t a r i g b i u \v a n ? u n t a r i g ; 8 y d n e y - k a - k o. To-what-place thou movest ? to that place ; Sydney-for

m., to what place do you go ? to that place ; to Sydney. Wontabirugbi uwa? m., from what place did you come ? What-plaee from thou movedst ? Koiyog-tin bag uwa; m., I started from the camp.

Camp-fi-om I moved.

Kaiyog-birug bag uwa, m., I came out from the camp.

Camp-from I moved.

W i y a, bag u w a - n ii n ? m., may I go ?

Say, I move-will ?

Keawaran wal bi uwa-nun; w., you shall not go. Not shalt thou move-wilt.

Tanoa, uwayikora; «?., do not go.

Let be, move not. Wiya, bi tan an uwa-nun? m., will you come ?

Say, thou approach move-will? Wiya, bi wait a uwa-nun? m., will you go ?

Say, thou depart move-will ? Wiya, b i w a i t a u w o 1 1 a ? m., do you wish to go ?

Say, thou depart move ? Wiya, b i t a n a n u w o 11 a ? m., do you wish to come ?

Say, thou approach move ? Wiya, ball uwolla; ?«., let us, you and me, go.

Say, thou-I move ? W a i t a g c e n uwolla w i 1 1 i m u 1 1 i - k o 1 a g ; m., let us go a Depart we move to-hunt-about. hunting.

W o n n e n g e e n uwolla? g i a k a i •, in., which way shall we Which-way we move ? this M'ay. go ? this way.

W n n e n k a n ? m., don't know ; or, which way can it be ?

Which-way being ? Wa-uwil bali Pakai kabo; m., I want you to go Avith

Move-may I-thou Pakai by-and-by. me to Pakai by-and-by.

Tanoa; uwa-niin bo-ta bag; m., no ; I will go by myself.

Let be ; move-will self I

Wiya, b a 1 i-b a g w a-u w i 1 ; m., I wish you to go with me.

Say, we-two-I move-may.

E-e, wait a bali; waitti-ljig bar a; Yes, depart we-two-I ; departed they.

m., yes, I will go with you ; they are gone.

Yurig bula uwolla, garabo ka-ko bag wait a;

Away ye-two move, sleep for-to-be I depart;

in., go away you two ; I am going to sleep.

Waitc4 ka-ba bountoa parkai; m., she is gone to the Departed is she southward. southward.

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