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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/163

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Waita-wal bag uwa-nun; m., I am determined I will go .

Depart-shall I move-will.

Waita koa bag; mimai yikora; on., I must go ; do not

Depart ut I ; detain not. detain me.

"Winta bara waita uwa-niin; «?., some of them will go.

Part they depart move-will.

"Waita * w a-n lin noa ba, waita gaiya geen; Depart move-will he if, depart then we.

OT., when he gooH, we will go. Wonta puunal kakulla, uwa gaiya nura ba? Where sun was come then ye ?

m., what time was it when you came ?

Uwolliela noa b a, nugurrurwa gaiya bdnuoa;

Moving-was he met then him he.

m., while he was w^alking, he met him.

Wiya, bi uwa-keiin k o iy (5 g-ko 1 ag? m., have you been

Say, thou moved-hast canip-towards ? to the camp ?

Keawai, kiimba bag Avaita wokkin; ?»., I have not, but

Xo, to-morrow I depart move. to-morrow I shall.

Kabo, waita w a-n u n bag; «?., by-and-by I shall go. By-and-by, depart move-will I.

Kurrikai-kurrikai-ta katan uwolliko gaol- Quick it is for-to-move gaol - k 1 a g , k e a w a r ci n w i 1 1 u g - k o ; towards not for-to-return. m., it is very easy to go to goal, but not so easy to get out again.

AV a i t a bag u w a-n tin tottog gurrulliko. To-depart I move-will news for-to-hear.

on., I will go and hear the news.

Pital ma- pa bi-tia ba, keawai gaiya bag wa-pa;

Joy done-had thou-me, not then I moved-had.

m., if you had loved me, I would not have gone.

Wa-munbilla tia Sydiiey-kol ag; in , permit me to goto Permit-to-move me Sydney-towards. Sydney.

"W a- m li n b i - n u n b a n u g ; m., I will let you go. Permit-to-move-will I-thee.

Yari bi wa-nun, turea-kiin-koa bin kiiri-ko bara; Do-not thou move-wilt, pierce-should-lest thee men they.

m., do not go, lest you should be speared by the men.

Keawai banug wa - munbi-niin ; ?«., I will not permit Not I-thee permit-to-move-will. you to o'O.

U w a - t a noa y a n t i - 1 a p u n n a 1 b a polo g-k a 1 1 e u n ; Came he at-the-time sun sinking-was.

m., he came just as the sun was setting.

' Note. — The u is often omitted when another verb takes the yo\crnnient, forming it into an auxiliary ; tut as a principal verb the u is general!)' retained.

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