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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/165

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Minnug balli-ka-Ice? m., of what use is it ? o£ what profit r^

What do-foi--to-be ?

Minnug balli-kolag noa uwa-iiun? m., what is h&

What to-be-about-to-do she move-will ? goin"' about ?

Na-nun bountoa biyugbai bounnouuba; w., to see

See-will she father her. her father.

Kati! katiii! t ett i-ba-b unbea tia ;?«., alas ! alas ! lam

Alas ! alas ! to-die-permitted me. left to die.

Tetti ba biinbilla bou; w., let him die; (/vans. verb).

Dead permit him.

Tetti b-ug-gulla bon; gan-to? m., kill him ; who shall?

Dead force him ; Avho ?

Tetti ba bunbi-nun banug; m. I will let you die.

Dead permit-will I-thee.

Tetti burri-niin banug m., 1 will cause you to die, as by

Dead cause-will I-thee. poisou, &c.

Tetti bug-gauiiu banug; m.,1 will compel you to die;

Dead force-will I-thee. murder vou.

Minnug b a- uwilkoa ball b(5n? m., what shall you

What may-do lit thou-I him ? and I do to him ?

Tanoa, te tti-b ea-kiin-k o a n o a, w?., let alone, lest he die.

Let be, die-should lest he.

Birrikillia noa untoa tetti bauwil koa noa; Lie he at-that-place dead may-be i{t he.

m., he may (I wish him to) lie there until he dies. Tetti burrilleiin bag; ju., I have destroyed myself; I have

Dead cause-self I. killed m^'self.

��W. coxJuaATioN or the tebb ' to speak.'

Ganto wiyan? galiko, gali-tard; «z., who speaks ? this Who speaks ? this, these. man does ; these.

Wiyan gali clock-ko; ?«., the clock strikes.

Speaks this clock.

Wiyan k u r i-k o ; w i y a n t i b b i n-t o ; m., the man speaks ; Speaks man ; speaks bird. the bird sink's.

AV i y a n b u 1 1 o c k-k o ; m., the bullock roars.

Speaks bullock.

Wiya-uwilbitia yakoai bara-ba wiya bin; Tell-may thou-me how they told thee.

m., I wish you to tell me how they spoke to you. Wiya gaiya gearun bara yanti; ma; w., they spoke to Told then them they so; do. us ill bravado.

Ga binug wiya? wiya b(5n b a g; m., did you tell him? Is it thou-him told ? told him I. X told him.

Ganto bin wiya? yitarabullo tia wiya; Who thee told ? such-a-one me told.

/«., who told you? that man did.

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