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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/307

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��Kauwal — great ; large ; big.

Kauwal kakilliko — to be great.

Kauwal kakulla — was great.

Kauwal-kan — one who is great ; being great.

Kauwal-kauwal — a great many ; intensely great ; very great.

Kail wal-kau wal-la — the many, as the subjects.

Kauwal-kauwiil-lo — very many, as the agents.

Kauwal koa — with (in company with) the great...

Kauwal-la — great, as the sub- ject ; much ; abundance.

Kauwal-lag — is great, large, or abundant ; a great deal.

Kauwallan — does greatly...

Kauwal-lo — great, as an agent.

Kauwal loa — through the many or great.

Kauwal loa kokeroa — through the many houses ; through the village, town, or city.

Kauwal-lo konaro — a great mul- titude (as agents) did, does, or will... (according to the tense of the verb.)

Kauwa yanti — be it so ; be it in this manner ; be it thus.

Ka-uwil koa yanti— in order to be thus ; that . . . might be in this manner.

Kau-wiyelliko — to command by word of mouth to assemble together; to call a coimcil ; to summon a congregation.

Ke — sounds as ca in Ung. ' care.'

-kel — an interrogative particle.

Kea-kea— courageous, victorious. Also, Kia-kia.

Kea-kea-md, — did cause to con- quer ; has conquered.

Kearan — pres. tense neg., no, not.

Keawai — simjjle negation, nay ; no ; not.

Keawai wun-ba — did not leave.

��Keawai wal — determinate nega- tion^ shall not; certainly shall not.

Keawaran — ^;res. tense of oiega., no, it is not ; no; not.

Keawaran bag — denial, not T ; I am not.

Keawaran-keawai — no ; nor.

Kenukun — the large white rock lily ; a lily.

Kerun — complete ; i.q. kirun.

Ki — sounds as Ung. ' key.'

Kia-kia — upright ; this denotes conquest, victory; because one left standing upright after a combat or battle is the victor.

Kid- — Eng., a kid.

-kil — a particle used in the infi- nitive form of the verb 'to be.'

-killi — particle used as the aux- iliary sign of the verb 'to be.'

-killiko — 'to be,' as an auxiliary, to indicate the initiation of the action implied by the verb to which it is joined; e.g., bunkilliko — to proceed to smite ; from the root bun, ' a blow.'

Kilbuggulliko — to cause to snaji by personal agency ; to snap, as a piece of rope ; to break, as a cable.

Kilburrilliko — to cause to snap by an instrument.

Kilkulliko — to snap of itself ; to break.

Killibinbin — clear ; unspotted ; bright; shining; pure ; glori- ous.

Killibinbin kaba — in a state of shining glory ; in a pure, un- spotted, glorious condition.

Killibinbin kakilliko — to be in a bright, glorious state.

Killibinbin kamunbilla — imper. , let there be brightness, splend- our, glory ; glory be.

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