Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/313

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��Kurr — sounds as E)i(j. ' cur.' Kurrag — froth ; foam. Kurrag-to — froth, a.s an agent. Kurragtoanbuggulliko — to cause

by personal agency to foam. Kurragtoanl )ugg;i — was caused

to foam ; foamed. Kurrai-kurrai — to turn round ;

to go round about ; to roll. Kurraka — the mouth; entrance;

doorway ; gateway. Kurraka birug — from (nut of)

the mouth, kc. Kui'rarakai — be quick ; haste ye;

i.q. karakai. Kurrauwai — long ; length. Ivurrawitai-kan — being clothed

with long raiment ; robed. Kurrea — carried ; did cany. Kurri — hrst ; cf. kai'a. Kurri birug ko — from (out of)

the first ; from the first. Kurri g — any. Kurrig tin — from (on account

of) any. Kurrikog- — the first-born male ;

cf. karakog, the elder brother. Kurri koricn — not to carry ;

carries not ; bears not. Kurri-kurri — intensive, the very

first ; the beginning. Kurri-kurri ka — is the first. Kurri-kurri kabirug — from the

first ; from the l)eginning. Kurri-kurri-to — the first, as an

agent. Kirrilliela — bore ; was carrying. Kurrilli-gel — the place of carry- ing; the carrying places, as the

railway. Kurrilliko — to carry ; to bear. Kurrin — choked ; suffocated ;

stifled ; drowned. Kurrin — carries, 1>ears, brings

forth ; cf. karin. Kurrinanbai — dau"hter-in-hiw.

��Kurri-u^\ 11 koa — in order that. .. might carry.

Kurriwulliko — to carry away : to bear away.

Kurri yikora — mand., carry not.

Kurrol — perspiration ; sweat.

Kuth:i — jir.n., Chusa.

Kuttawai — satiety ; intoxica- tion ; drunkenness ; gluttony ; giddiness.

Kuttawai-ban — one who satiates ; a glutton ; a drunkard.

Kuttawai-kan — one who is in a state of satiety.

Kuttawaiko — to be satiated with food or drink : drunkenness ; glutton}'.

Kuttawai kolag — to be about to satiate with food or drink.

Kuttawaiye — one whose manner is habitually that of being- satiated ; one habitually a drunkard or a glutton.

Kuttawan — satiated.

��L — pronounced as Eng, ' ell.' La — is sounded as ixiEnc/. 'large.' Ladharo — pr.n., Lazarus. Latin — pr.n., Latin. Latiniimba — belonging to the

Latin people or language. Le — rhymes with A'»^. ' lay.' Lebben — Eng., leaven. Lebben kiloa — like leaven. Lebben korien koba — not having

leaven ; unleavened. Lebi — 2)r.n., Levi. Lebi-kid — a Levite. Lebi-ko — Levi, as the agent. Lejun — Eng., legion. Lepro — Eng., leprosy. Lepro-kan — one Iteing in a state

of leprosy ; leprous ; a leper. Lepro-ta — leprosy, as a sulyect ;

the leprosy.

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