jS'gatoa iima-lcaan unne, rif^orokan; ot., it is I who made
I made-have this, thismonnug. this, this morning.
Unne bang uma-kaan, ngorokan; m., I have made this.
This I made-have, this morning. this morning.
K"gatoa wa-leyn iin-ta-ring; wa-leyn hang un-te-ring.
I move-ing to that place ; move-ing I to this place.
m., I am going to that place ; I am coming to this place. Ngatoa bo wal wea bounuoun ; m., I myself spoke to her.
I myself spoke her.
Ngatoa bo wal bounnoun bun-ka-lcyu ; ?«., I myself am
I myself her striking. beating her.
Ngatoa bo wa-le-a-la wa-kol ; m., I myself vrent alone.
I "went one.
2. !N^gin-to-a — the pronoun tlwi( in answer to a question,
it is tliou lolio. The pronoun used to the verb in simple form is be, tJiou.
Ngan-ka be unne? ugintoa-ta unne ; m., who art thou now?
Vvlio thou this ? thou this. it is thou, emph.
Ngeroung koa ban-nu wean ngurra-le-ko. For thee why I-it speak for to hear.
«?., I speak it in order for thee to hear. Ngintoa tatte ba-niin ; in., it is thou who wilt be dead.
Thou dead ■ be-will.
Ngintoa'kinta, ngatoa kaawaran; m., it is thou who fearest.
Thou fear, I not. I do not.
Ngatoa'.bo wal yaraki, ngintoa kaawaran ; m., I myself am I myself evil, thou not. evil, thou art not.
Ngintoa kinta; kinta be; m., it is thou who fearest; thou
Thou fear ; fear thou. fearest.
Ngintoa kinta ka-nun ; kinta be ka-nun. Thou fear be-\vill ; fear thou be-will.
in., it is thou who wilt fear; thou wilt be afraid.
3. New-wo-a — the pronoun lie, in answer to a question, u7ifo
is it ? The pronoun for the verb is no a, he or it. Newwoa kinder; kinder noa; m., it is he who laughs; he
He laugh ; laugh he. laughs.
Newwoa wal kore yarai ; m., it is he who is a bad man.
He man bad.
Newwoa warekul nowwi ta ba; w?., the dog is in the canoe.
He the dog canoe. in.
NeAvwoa-bo keyu kokon ta ba; m., it is he himself in the
He being water in. water.
4. Bo-uu-to-a — the feminine pronoun, slie.
Unne bountoa Patty ammoung kin-ba; m., this is Patty
This she Patty me with. with me.
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