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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/455

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Ammoung katoa bountoa, wa-niin; m., slie willgo with me.

Me with she move-will.

Wonni bountoa tea unuuiig tatte ammouu-ba; Child she to me there dead miue.

on., my cliild, there is dead. iNgan-ke bountoa unue? unnoa? unnung? m., who is she? ^Yho she this ? that ? there ? (here, there) ?

5. Nga — the pronoun it or it is, in answer to a question.

"Wea, unnoa boat kowwol? nga-ba unnang kowwol-au» Say, that boat large ? it is that large-being.

m., is that a large boat ? it is a large boat. "Wea, unnoa murrorong? nga-ba unnoa murrorong. Say, that good? it is that good.

m., is that good ? it is it that is good. Ngan-to bon bun-ka-la? nga-le noa bon bun-kala. Who liim struck ? this he him strike-did.

in., who struck him ? it is he that struck him. Nffa-la noa bon bunkala; nga-la noa *ya.

That he him struck ; that he there close at hand.

«?., it was. he that struck him ; ifc was he there. "Won-nung? nga-la noa wea-leyn unnung.* Where ? that he speaH-ing there.

m., where ? it was he speaking there.

6. Xga-an — the plural pronoun, tee.

Ka-bo! ngaan wa-nun; «?., stop, Ave will go presently.

Stop ! we move-will.

Ka-i ! w^ita ngaan; in., come, w^e depart, i.e., let us go. Ho ! depart we.

Ka-i! be yan-ta, ta-nan, wita ngaan; w., comethouhither; Ho ! thou hither, approach, depart we. approach, we depart. Ka-bo, ka-bo, wa-ow-wil koa ngaan ngeroung kafcoa. Be still, be still, move may that we you witii.

m., stop, stop, that we may go too with you. AVita ngaan nowwi-ta wing-ow-wil; ■;«., we depart to row Depart we canoe riiay row. the canoe.

Wita-lang ngaan; wita wal ngaan; ra., we do depart ; we Depart wc ; depart shall we. are about to depart.

Ta-ko-un-ta ka ngaan wa-nun Kuttai kolang? When we move will Sydney towards ?

in., when shall we depart for iSydney ? Ta-ko-un-ta kan ngaan f; »?•, we do not know when. When being we.

Ta-ko-un-ta ngatongf; m., when is it to be? (a negative.) When that ?

  • Note — U n n u n g, ' there,' means at a greater distance than y a, ' there. '

t In this collection of sentences, the f shows that the phrase is an idiom.

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