Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/421

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lingr. Cf. No. hangla, vb., to hang dangling, to balance, as well as Shetl. hanklin, sb., which is a parallel form to hanglin, but reported in another sense.

hank [ha‘ŋk], sb., 1) a loop, strap. 2) junction of a boat’s side-boards with the stem or stern; often in the pl., hanks, of the one join, esp. when the word stands by itself, not as a compd. with “fore” or “efter”. de fore-h. (hanks), the joining in the stem, de efter-h. (hanks), the joining in the stern. hank is often used as a sing. word in sense of stem-compartment (fore-h.) or stern-compartment (efter-h.). — Prop. a coil; circular band; handle, O.N. hanki, m., and hǫnk, f. Cf. Eng. hank in sense of rope for tying up. — In sense of ball of thread, hank of yarn or thread (= No. honk, nystehonk), Shetl. hank assimilates to Eng. hank, sb.

hank [ha‘ŋk], vb., 1) to make loops or bights, = No. hanka (Aa.); to h. op de tedder [‘tether’], to coil the tether (the cow’s tether). to “h. aff” yarn, to unwind yarn from a ball in knitting. For “h. aff” now also “hankie aff” (Eng. dial., to entangle; twist together). 2) to stop the execution of a work, in the phrase “to h. ane’s hand”, prop. to let the hand rest; he hanked his hand; h. dy hand a “halicrack”! hold on! stop for a minute! Wh. hank here doubtless orig. means rope-handle. No. hanka, vb., to fasten together, to hook in a loop, etc. Eng. dial. hank, vb., to coil.

hankl1, hankel [ha‘ŋkəl, hä‘ŋkəl], vb., = hank, vb. 1; to h. (op) de line (the fishing-line) or de tedder [‘tether’]; to h. aff (yarn) = to hank aff. — Eng. dial. hankle, vb., is used diff. (to entangle; twist together). — See henkl2, vb.

hankl2, hankel [ha‘ŋkel], vb., 1)

to idle, of idlers: to geng hanklin aboot, = henkl1, vb. Fe. 2) of unsettled weather: to keep tolerably, continue in the same way (on the point of shifting); he is hanklin. Fo.No. hangla, vb., inter alia to hang dangling, also to remain undecided; to balance (R.). Sw. dial. hangla, vb., to stick at one’s heels, to follow up, etc.hankl for *hangl; see hanglin, sb.

hanklin [ha‘ŋklin], sb., continuous unsettled weather. Fo. Prop. something which remains undecided, balancing. *hangling(r). See hankl2, vb. 2, and cf. hanglin, sb.

*hann [häᶇ], *hanna [haᶇa (häᶇa)], *hanne [häᶇæ], 3rd pers. sing., pers. pron., m., he; only in some fragments, handed down in Norn: a) a short verse peculiar to Unst, applied to a Shetl. lad, returned home from Scotland (Caithness):. . .hann kann ca’ russa mare. . . . he can call russa a “mare”. . .; b) hanna daga [haᶇa dâga]. . ., the day dawns. . . (Yh.): *hann dagar. . .; c) hanne [häᶇæ]: in a riddle from Yn. of the armless and legless man (the sun that melts the snow). O.N. hann, pron., he.hain [hain] is doubtless the same word, noted down in the foll. tabu-term, belonging to fishermen’s lang.: (der ’r) a hain ahead o’ hersell [‘herself’], there is a boat ahead of ours. “hersell” replaces “himsell”, which must be the older of these two words, as O.N. bátr, a boat, is of the masculine gender. Prop.: he (a boat) before him (another boat). The term originates most prob. from S.Sh., where shø [‘she’] is used for “he” far more widely than in N.Sh. Cf. the use of the words hannister and hannepaa of a person or thing that one does not wish to mention by name.

hanna [haᶇa, häᶇa], interj., here! come here! esp. a cry to birds, e.g.