Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/76

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berggiltek, -gilti, -gølti (-golti, -goltek), sb.
To the South of the Dovrefjeld: berggylta (S. Berg.), Trondhjem: berggalt.
berhogg, sb.
Sogn: berrhogg = Shetl. berhogg.
*bersugget, adj.
Ryfylke: bergsugga (wrasse, labrus) = berggylta.
birst, birstet, etc. (borst, borstet, bosten), adj., peevish, cross.
No. bysten, adj.: S.W.Norw. busten, adj., fierce, harsh.
bisi, bissi1, sb. (litter for cattle in the stall).
Tel.: bys, n., litter.
bisper, sb., mouse (sea-term).
Li., Dalene: bispur, m., rascal.
biss biss bio!, interj.
To the South of the Dovrefjeld: bissa (byssa), vb., and bia (bya), vb. (bia: Dal., Mandal, etc.).
blogummi, blugummi, sb.
Nordhordland: blaagume.
bofi1, sb.
Jæderen: boven, adj.
bog2, sb., cross-sea.
Hard.: bauka, vb., to gurgle noisily.
bolteri, bulteri, adj. (lumpy).
Ma., Tel.: bultren, adj., lumpy.
bonabäg (banabak), sb.
Tel.: banabeig.
bossi, bussi-needle, sb.
Sogn (Hallingdal, Gausdal): bossenaal.
bromek, sb.
Tel., Sætersdalen: brama, f.?
brosek, sb.
Dal.: brose, m.
brøl1, røl, sb. (elongated bump).
Ryf.: ryl, m.
bødi2, bøti, sb. (strip of land).
See of Bergen: bot, f., a patch, small piece.
dal, sb., in sense of lull, abating, of rough sea, bad weather, rain or wind. dal, vb., to abate, cease, lull, of rough weather.
Tel.: dala av, of storm-charged clouds.
dala-reek, sb.
Søndhordland: dal(a)røyk.
dalk, djalk (tjalk), vb.
Tel., Jæd., Agder: dalka, vb., in a sense corresponding to the Shetl. word.
darg (darget), sb., a mass, large portion.
Tel.: dorg, m., a mass, heap.
dask, sb. (misty clouds, dense haze).
Ryf.: dasken, adj., moist, wet and heavy.
dasket, adj. (exhausted).
Ryf., Røldal (Agder): dasken, adj., limp from over-exertion.
ditti-bag, sb.
Outer Sogn: dytta, vb., Shl., Hard.: dutta, vb.
doddel, sb.
Esp. S.W. Norw.: “dutla”, vb.
drafs, vb.
Agder (Ma., Sæt.), Tel.: dramsa, vb.
dritl, vb., in sense of to walk slowly.
Li.: dritla, vb.
druf (drof), sb., and drufs, sb.
Tel.: dryvja, f., and drufsa, f.
druls, sb.
Dal. (Jæd.), Tel.: drols, m., and drulsa, f.
drult (drolt), sb.
Tel. (Jæd.): drult, m., and drulta, f.