An Examen
they were coming home from gleaning and were passing along the field of Longchamois, they saw that the Sabbat was being held in that place, and set down their bundles and went and did as the others, and then took up their bundles and returned to their homes. I can hardly think that anyone will maintain that these two women were at that time asleep, and that it was only in their fancy and imagination that they went to the Sabbat.
Chapter XV.
How and in what Fashion Witches are
Conveyed to the Sabbat.
Bodin. Demonom. II. 3.
Remy, Demonol. I. 14.others go there sometimes on a goat, sometimes on a horse, and sometimes on a broom, and generally leave their house by the chimney. Some rub themselves first with a certain ointment, and others use none. There are also some who are not witches, but after anointing themselves do not fail to fly up through the chimney and to be carried away as if they were witches. Nevertheless it must not be thought that it is this ointment which causes their transvection; for we shall show later that neither ointment nor words nor symbols are, of themselves, of any use