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of Witches

pleases them, sowing ten thousand other seeds of discord between them besides. And this binding spell of impotence is no new thing; for St. Augustine and the Canons speak of it, and, before them, Vergil:

Eclog. 8.

Three strands of divers colours, in three knots
Knot them; and say: “Here bind I Venus’ fetters.”

And Ovid: Amor. III. 7.Is not my body languishing with poison? And elsewhere:

Why might not then my sinews be enchanted,
And I grow faint as with some spirit haunted?

This practice is to-day more common than ever. For even children meddle with charms for tying the points—a thing which deserves exemplary punishment; for, rightly understood, such charms are of no avail, since it is Satan who is working in such a case, relying merely upon the witch’s consent.

Furthermore, witches cause him whom they have bewitched to void, sometimes from the mouth and sometimes from the bottom parts, needles, hairs, iron tools, stones and papers. There are several examples of this; for I myself have seen an infinite number of such articles, among other things stones and balls and locks of hair and pigs’ bristles. But I will content myself with a single example which I have from a gentleman of this country who may be believed. Some time ago one of his sons, a boy of fifteen or sixteen, voided by the penis five or six paper notes and some peas. The notes were covered with