Chalom, became lavish in his benedictions. Ushered into the world under such eminent auspices, dedicated to so august a prelate as the Archbishop of Besançon and to his all-powerful nephew, François de Rye, Dean of the Cathedral Chapter, it is hardly to be wondered at that Boguet’s volume was at once accepted as an ultimate authority, whilst the book was straightway eulogized both in prose by the faculties of the Universities of Dôle and Lyons, and in verse by poets such as Jacques Michalet and Jean Heraudel. The learned Daniel Romanet, a doctor in theology and assessor of the High Court of Salins, who was known for his devotion to Notre-Dame-Libératries, addressed Boguet in the following sonnet:
L’impie abjurement, les offrandes, les voeux;
Les danses, les baisers, les viandes fardées,
Les poudres, les onguents, les grêles debandées,