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shed. The effect of these curvatures is to facilitate lateral communications parallel with the main range or axis of the mountain system of the country. Facilities of the same kind are also provided occasionally by the course of the head streams, when they run parallel with the main range, and sometimes come from opposite ends of the same valley, before they unite to make a rectangular or an oblique descent to the lower grounds. >

The Watercourses of the Nuei'ameh Basin.

The Wady el 'Ain descending southward from Tell 'Asur (alt. 3,318 feet) receives on its right bank from the western edge of the basin, the Khallet es Sultan, Wady el Kanabis, and Wady Muheisin. A branch having the villages of Dar Jerir and et Taiyibeh on the east, joins the left bank, about a mile south-west of the latter village. The Wady Muheisin runs eastward along the northern foot of the ridge between Beitin and Deir Diwan. After its junction with Wady el 'Ain, the course of the Wady Muheisin is continued south- eastward, and this name is changed to Wady Asis. The wady here enters a deep and rocky chasm in which it con- tinues for five or six miles. A tributary from the west of Eummon ("the rock Eimmon," Judges xx, xxi), running south for about 1^ miles, joins the main Wady at a mile from Wady el 'Ain. Another tributary rising on the south of Taiyibeh, where it is called Wady Abu el Haiyat, passes southward on the east of Rummon as Wady el Asa, and after a course of three miles meets the wady from the north-west. Not far below a wady falls in on the right bank, which rises on the hills on the east of Deir Diwan and Kh. Haiyan (Ai). After this junction the wady trends slightly east of south for a mile, and then bends to the east, and receives the Wady es Sineisileh from the border of the basin near Kubbet Rumm- maneh (alt. 2,024 feet). It continues eastward in the chasm as W. Rummamaneh, receiving the Wady el Harik* on the

  • The Wady Harik stands in name only for the Wady Harith of former

authorities (Stanley's " Sinai and Palestine," 201).